Artificial Intelligence Office launched by the European Commission

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Office, which has been operational since June, will oversee the implementation of the AI Act.

How is cultural heritage integrated into regional development?

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER, Erasmus+ funded project, has published a new report showcasing all the…

 A person stands next to a screen and gives a presentation to another person, who sits at a desk.
Five museum educators have been selected for…

NEMO is happy to announce that five museum educators, connected to NEMO member organisations, from Türkiye, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and North Macedonia have been selected for the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme cycle…

 A security officer, wearing a face mask, sits next to ancient stone busts inside a museum space
Contribute to questionnaire on museums and…

NEMO has launched an anonymous questionnaire to gather an overview of the status quo of political influence and effects of polarisation on museums in Europe. The results will feed into discussions at the NEMO European Museum…

Cultural recovery in Ukraine

June saw several events and actions towards Ukraine’s cultural recovery with two international conferences and that the EU…

Join NEMO and get 2 free tickets to the…

Has your organisation ever considered joining NEMO? Become a member now to secure two tickets free of charge to the NEMO European Museum Conference, taking place 10-12 November in Sibiu, Romania.

Statement on the election of the European Parliament’s CULT Committee Chair

NEMO has endorsed a statement on the election of the European Parliament’s CULT Committee Chair, which recently was published by…

Draft of the 2025 Creative Europe budget

The European Commission has unveiled its draft annual budget proposal for 2025, allocating €352 million for the Creative Europe…

NEMO Members’ Meetup: Networking and European…

On 12 June 2024, NEMO member representatives met online to exchange during the third rendition of NEMO’s latest networking opportunity: NEMO Members’ Meetup. This is planned as a recurring opportunity for networking and engaging…