The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER has published a new report that aims to identify which improvements could…
NEMO and ICCROM are thrilled to invite applications to an online workshop series that will take place on 5, 12, 19 and 26 June 2024. José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM, and Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow, will lead the four-part…
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2024, NEMO shares a report on gender gap in museum directorship by the…
The publication "AI in Museums" provides an overview of the current state of the debate, reflects on the usage of artificial…
According to data released by the Danish Museums Association, the visitor numbers increased in 2023 compared to 2022. The 86 museums that participate in the survey had a total of 12 million visitors and 88% expect to break even or…
The guidelines, published by the NEMO Working Group Sustainability and Climate Action, aims at empowering museums to participate actively in the pressing global issues of climate change and sustainability. It includes a convenient…
NEMO is accepting applications to a training opportunity on building strong relationships with regional communities from 23–25 May 2024 in Sibiu, Romania. Applications are welcome until 31 March.
The NEMO Working Group Sustainability and Climate Action invites proposals for a research project aiming to develop a methodology that empowers museums to host citizen assemblies.
The next free NEMO Webinar will take place on 9 April 2024 from 11:00-12:00 CEST. Maria Chiara Ciaccheri, accessibility expert, will talk about museum accessibility by sharing thoughts on how to generate real change.