Voices of Culture has published the Brainstorming Report “Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis”. NEMO participated in brainstorming session leading up to the report and…
A report by the Swedish Museums Association on museum visits over the summer months shows that visits went up by 8% compared to…
DOORS - Digital Incubator for Museums wraps up its two-year project period with a final e-publication that aims to help small…
The European Commission has launched a call for tenders to identify possible avenues for action to help protect and promote exposure to cultural and linguistic diversity online. Applications are welcome until 16 October.
From 20-23 September 2024, NEMO Secretary General Julia Pagel visited Gaziantep, Türkiye, to discuss the impact and developments of the devastating earthquake on 6 February 2023 with regional authorities. The visit also provided…
The Creative Europe programme will receive a budget of more than 320 million euro in 2024. The programme still focuses on the…
UNESCO has launched a call for experts to set up a group of experts that from 2024-2026 will reflect on the diversity of cultural…
The new initiative Green Assist will provide access to Advisory Services that enable beneficiaries to prepare green/greener investment projects. Usage is free of charge and the service delivers tailor-made advice specific to each…
After being nominated on 28 June 2023 by Ursula von der Leyen, Iliana Ivanova was approved as the new Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth by the European Parliament on 12 September.