Report on protecting Ukrainian cultural heritage

The CULT Committee of the European Parliament has published a study on protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in…

Call for applications - 2024 European Heritage Awards

Application to the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2024 are accepted until the 13 October 2023.

Explore NEMO’s recently completed European…

NEMO has published a new page that offers an overview of European cooperation projects that the network was part of developing and completing. Have a look to learn about the outcomes and achievements of MOI! Museums of Impact,…

Study maps museum studies and trainings around the world

A research developed by the UNESCO Chair and published by Ocim maps over 500 different kinds of museum studies and trainings to…

Danish museum visitor number recovers to…

Statistics shows that the Danish museums welcomed the same number of visitors in 2022 as in 2019. In total, 17.9 million people visited museums and their cafés, gardens and parks last year.

 Text on green banner says name of the webinar 'D Digital Learning and Education in Museums: How innovative approaches contribute to the future of digital engagement'. Banner also shows logos of partners and pictures of the speakers.
Recording of webinar on NEMO’s report on…

NEMO is thrilled to share the recording of the launch event of NEMO’s report Digital Learning and Education in Museums: How innovative approaches contribute to the future of digital engagement. The event took place on 27 April…

Report on measuring the economic value of museums digital offers

A recent report published by the Arts Council England, analyses how contingent valuation techniques can be used to measure the…

 A round concrete stairwell is shown from below. In its middle there is a tree.
Majority of European citizens see climate…

Results from a Eurobarometer published on 20 July 2023, shows that a huge majority of European citizens (93%) believe that climate change is a serious problem facing the world.

Report on gaps and needs in cultural heritage…

CHARTER - the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance has released a new report: “Identifying gaps and needs in the educational and training programmes”. NEMO is one of the consortium partners of the Erasmus+ funded project.