Report: Safeguarding Ukraine’s cultural heritage

In November 2024, the European Commission published the result of two years of dedicated work by its expert group on safeguarding…

 Three kids look at objects placed in a monter. The girl points at an object and explains it to the two boys.
Dutch museum sector in 2023: Key insights and…

The Dutch Museum Association has published its annual report, Museumcijfers, offering a valuable overview of the state of the museum sector in 2023. The report underscores the sector's ongoing challenges, such as financial…

 Four women sit around a table to do a wood workshop.
Call for proposals: Creative Europe…

On 10 December, the Creative Europe programme opened its call for proposals for applications for European Cooperation Projects. European Cooperation Projects provide funding for cultural and creative sector organisations of all…

 Numerous European flags waving in the wind are photographed from frog persective.
EU Budget 2025 Approved

The cultural components of the EU budget for 2025, officially signed into law by European Parliament President Metsola, have been approved and remain closely aligned with the European Commission’s proposal in June.

 The facade of a building is covered by a vertical garden.
German Museums Association launches…

The German Museums Association has launched the project ‘Zertifizierung “Nachhaltige Museen” – Vom Wollen zum Machen’ (‘Sustainable Museums’ Certification – From wanting to doing). This initiative aims to develop and implement a…

Hungarian Presidency conclusions seek to increase cultural access

On 26 November 2024, EU Ministers for Culture, meeting under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, which concludes at…

 The photograph shows a black museum display with circular holes in a dark room. Behind the holes are illuminated pictures of animals and leafs.
EU Commission releases draft Code of Practice…

The European Commission’s AI Office has published the first draft of a Code of Practice aimed at defining the technical measures and policies necessary for compliance with the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act).

NEMO attended final meeting of the CHARTER…

The final meeting and conference of the CHARTER - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance took place from 27-29 November 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. The event marked the conclusion of the 4-year project, during which CHARTER…

Europe-wide campaign calls for cultural and…

The European Theatre Convention (ETC) has launched a campaign to protect culture in its diversity from attacks and bans. The initiative urges the European Parliament to take a definitive stance on cultural autonomy by enacting a…