This graphic shows the cover of the new CHARTER report and is accompagnied by text.
Report maps role and dynamics of cultural…

The report “Who is not a stakeholder in cultural heritage?“, published by the CHARTER Alliance, explores the roles and dynamics of heritage stakeholders, their interests and influence on education and training systems.

 This image combines photographs of three cities next to each other. On the left is Veszprém, Hungary. In the middle is Elefsina, Greece and on the right a photograph of Timisoara, Romania.
The three European Capitals of Culture 2023

Since 1 January 2023, Elefsina (Greece), Timisoara (Romania) and Veszprém (Hungary) all hold the title European Capital of Culture 2023.

 People are taking photos and look at paintings inside a gallery. A person in the foreground is leaving the room and is therefore blurry in the picture.
Toolkit supports city museums in creating and…

The Museum Impact Toolkit (MIT) helps museums create and assess social impact on both a practical and strategic level. Although the toolkit primarily is designed with city museums in mind, it is suitable for other kinds of museums…

New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

Projects in the European Union and Western Balkans that demonstrate the values promoted by the European Green Deal have the chance…

Report on museums, class and the pandemic

A recent report investigates the lived experiences of working-class Londoners in London during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research…

Register to a NEMO Webinar exploring the…

On 14 February from 14:00-15:00 CET, Michael Peter Edson, Digital Cultural Strategist, will facilitate a NEMO Webinar with the goal of challenging your view of museums and their purpose in the modern age.

 This photograph shows two people in the foreground who are out of focus. The background consists of a yellow wall and the logo of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Sweden takes over the Presidency of the…

Starting 1 January and lasting until 30 June 2023, Sweden is holding its third Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Sweden took over from Czechia and will hand over the responsibility to Spain on 1 July.

 This image shows an illustration of soldiers fighting against a dragon in the style of a medieval manuscript. The text on the right calls for support for Ukraine.
Support initiative for Ukrainian open-air…

NEMO member EXARC has launched the Support Ukraine Network (SUN) to facilitate support for museums and their employees in Ukraine. The initiative provides mentorship and resources for open-air museums, experimental archaeologists,…

 This collage consists of a black and white photograph of a blonde haired woman. Next to and layered over her image are pictures of flowers, two dancers, a cassette, and a book with flowers in between the pages. The text reads: "Culture moves Europe".
New mobility scheme Culture Moves Europe…

The new permanent mobility scheme Culture Moves Europe was officially launched on 10 October 2022 and the first call is open until 31 May 2023. The mobility scheme is particularly focused on emerging artists.