Aerial view of a modern architectural structure made out of concrete rectangles. Inside the rectangles grass is growing and a person is laying down in one of them.
Climate Heritage Network will amplify culture…

The Climate Heritage Network (CHN) has published a platform to offer an overview of how they will amplify arts, culture and heritage voices around COP27, the 2022 edition of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The…

 This photograph shows three people standing next to each other and smiling into the camera.
NEMO joined special meeting for cultural…

On 14 October 2022, NEMO Policy Officer Eilzabeth Wilde was invited to a session planned to better connect representatives of the 30+ cultural networks supported by the Creative Europe programme. In attendance were members of the…

Museum visits in the Netherlands drops second year in a row

In a report issued by the Dutch Museums Association on 12 September 2022, it is clear that the visitor numbers have dropped…

 This image is the front page of the Action for Climate Empowerment Guide. The white lettering is set against a mainly purple, green and red, checked background.
NEMO Webinar on museum action for climate…

Registration to the next free NEMO Webinar is open. Organised to coincide with COP27, the annual United Nation’s conference on climate change, we invite to an online learning opportunity featuring Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow,…

 This is a map of Europe.
NEMO mapping of museums in the energy crisis

NEMO is collecting information about the situation for museums in the current energy crisis and the ever-increasing costs. The data can be explored in an interactive map. 

 This image is a video still. Vasyl Rozhko sits in a room with dark walls. In the background a spotlight is directed at him.
Appeal for continued support to protect…

At NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2022, Vasyl Rozhko from the Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative (HERI) delivered a video message from Ukraine about the current situation for museum professionals and the important work that…

Summary of NEMO European Museum Conference 2022

From 9-11 October 2022, 200 museum professionals form 40 countries gathered in Loulé, Portugal, for the 2022 NEMO European Museum…

 Various people sit in a conference room. In front of them microphones and name tags are set up. One person is talking and on the back wall presentation slides are projected.
NEMO invited to share experience with the…

On 13 October 2022, NEMO Policy Officer and Sustainability Advocate, Elizabeth Wilde, was invited by the European Commission's Directorate-General responsible for education, youth, sport and culture, to present at the 8th Cultural…

 Man leaning over a table positioning a picture that he is photographing in order to digitalize it
Be part of developing the European…

The European Commission is collecting feedback on the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage. NEMO invites museum professionals to have their say about the new EU tool for digital cultural heritage by taking a…