NEMO in podcast about adult learning in…

Upon invitation by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), NEMO joined an EPALE Podcast episode about museum education for adults.

 Two people wearing face masks are looking at an object that is placed on a display plinth.
Pandemic predicted to have long-term effects…

A Flash Eurobarometer study about tourism, published in November 2021, shows that a majority of European Union citizens expect the Covid-19 pandemic to have long-term effects on their travel behaviour. 38% predict that they will…

 A girl is using a pair of VR goggles in a gallery space. The child is smiling and the goggles mirror the smile with happy eyes animation.
Call for participants – New programme helps…

Small and medium sized museums are encouraged to apply to an incubation programme that will provide museums access to expertise, support and funding to develop and implement digital pilots. The two-phase programme is offered by…

NEMO attended an Advisory Board meeting of 4CH

On 15 December 2021, NEMO joined a meeting of the project 4CH in its capacity as a member of the Advisory Board. The event aimed a…

 Two people wearing face masks walk through an exhibition hall. There is plenty of space between them and the walls are covered with distance markings.
Most museums in Europe remain open - but…

With news of new restrictions across Europe, NEMO reached out to its members for an update on the situation for museums 1,5 years into the pandemic. The feedback from 28 countries show that several European countries demand masks…

NEMO joined workshop on possible futures of the art field

On 17 December 2021, NEMO joined the workshop "Futures Thinking Workshop: Revealing the Plurality of Futures in the Art Field”.

 Photo of two people talking in a lecture hall.
NEMO and GEM to provide mentoring…

NEMO is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Group for Education in Museums (GEM). Starting 2022, 10 museum professionals connected to NEMO member organisations will be offered to participate in GEM’s One to One Mentoring…

NEMO part of preparing the European Year of Youth 2022

On 17 December 2021, NEMO joined the second joint meeting in preparation of the upcoming European Year of Youth 2022.

Sixth meeting of the Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage

On 14 December 2021, NEMO joined the sixth meeting of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.