The European Commission has invited NEMO to participate in a kick-off meeting on 15 October 2021. The goal of the EU Pact for…
On 7 October 2021, NEMO Secretary General gave a keynote speech on the impact of Covid-19 on museums in Europe and the long-term…
Recordings from the two-day conference, which took place from 23-24 September 2021, are available to watch online. 745 participants tuned in to the online conference to reflect on the museum’s role in a changing society and…
The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER has released its first public report since the project started in January 2021. The report “A new landscape for heritage professions – preliminary findings” presents the…
NEMO is pleased to invite to a three-part workshop series organised by inDICEs – Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture. The free consultation workshop ‘Monitoring & Self-Assessing the Digital Performance in Museums’ takes place…
Upon personal invitation by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, NEMO joined the online workshop Opportunities and Challenges of…
The training programme, developed by HERITAGE-PRO, integrates the different ways of thinking and the various expectations of the…
The Erasmus+ funded project The GLAMers has published a study on the digital engagement with youth by GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) during the pandemic. A series of interactive online sessions will be…
On 24 September 2021, NEMO joined the Global Climate Strike in Berlin, Germany, to showcase the need for museums to get active in the fight against climate change and to contribute to a sustainable future.