The online NEMO Learning Exchange with Multaka: Meeting point Museum will take place on 17, 23 and 30 June from 10:00-12:00 CEST. It is facilitated by Sarah Fortmann-Hijazi and Salma Jreige and will focus on how to implement…
Out-of-commerce works are copyrighted works that never were or no longer are available through customary channels of commerce.…
On 4 June 2021, NEMO contributed with insights of the consequences of Covid-19 for museums and how they are building resilience at the Europeana Conference ‘Towards recovery: Digital capacity building in the Cultural Heritage…
On 20 April 2021, inDICEs – Measuring the Impact of Cultural Heritage gathered cultural heritage professionals, policymakers and…
On 8, 17 and 23 June 2021, NEMO is hosting an online NEMO Learning Exchange facilitated by Sarah Fortmann-Hijazi and Salma Jreige from the project ‘Multaka: Meetingpoint Museum’. They will share their expertise from the successful…
On 27 May 2021, Museums for Future launched its German sub-group Museums for Future Germany. German museum professionals are encouraged to get active and join the movement fighting for sustainable museum practice and be part of…
On 26 May 2021, NEMO was invited to the online event ‘Coming Back Stronger - Ways Forward for Culture’ organised in support of the reopening of the cultural sector in Europe. In connection to the event the 6 hosting political…
On 26 May 2021, the European Commission officially launched the Creative Europe programme for 2021-2027 by adopting the work…
The new edition will include contributions from Australia, Hawaii and Namibia as well as international reviews of the first…