Against a green background are drawn images of plants. The image is headlined with #Museumsgogreen on the top.
#MuseumsGoGreen for the climate

Museums for Future has issued a call for action for museums and cultural heritage institutions to join the social media campaign #MuseumsGoGreen during Green Week, which takes place from 19-23 April 2021. On Earth Day 22 April,…

EU funding and cooperation explained in new…

NEMO has produced a toolkit to help museums, museum associations and other cultural organisations across Europe to better access EU funding and increase their international activities. The toolkit gives an overview of the benefits…

 This cartoon shows three bean-shaped characters in black and white. They are smiling and looking towards their reflection in a standing mirror. In the reflection they are showing a thumbs-up.
Thoughts on social impact by museums…

On 22 February 2021, the second open stakeholder forum organised within the framework of MOI! Museums of Impact took place. BAM! Strategie Culturali facilitated the event, which gathered Italian museum and cultural heritage…

 Four people are sitting in a gallery space. All four are wearing goggles and headphones and they are experiencing some kind of virtual reality art.
Contribute to workshops on digital…

On 20 and 21 April 2021 the project inDICEs is organising two consultation workshops on digital transitions in the cultural heritage sector. Cultural heritage professionals, researchers and the inDICEs community will discuss needs…

 A group of young people is sitting around a sculpture in a museum space. Another person is standing and holding a piece of paper.
Join a NEMO webinar on museums’ contribution…

On 29 April 2021 at 17:00 CEST, museum education experts Dr. John Falk and Judith Koke, Institute for Learning Innovation, invite to a conversation about the role museums play in the community’s wellbeing. Registration to the free…

Online NEMO Training Course on visitor…

Seventeen participants from thirteen countries met online for the NEMO Training Course 'Re-thinking Museum Practice for 21st Century Visitors'. Lisa Baxter of the Experience Business led participants on a journey that encouraged…

European Commission plans a common path to Europe’s safe re-opening

A Communication published by the European Commission on 17 March 2021 charts the way ahead for a safe re-opening with a balanced…

Call for preparatory action for policy development of culture and well-being

The European Commission has released a call for the preparatory action ‘Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in…

 Person wearing a face mask is standing in a gallery together with her dog. She is looking at one of many exhibited sweatshirts that are hanging from the ceiling.
72% drop in visitors to Croatian museums in…

The pandemic and the devastating Zagreb earthquakes have severely impacted the number of visitors to Croatian museums. In 2020 the museums experienced a drop of nearly 4 million visitors from 5.2 million in 2019 to 1,462,667.