‘Digital Pedagogy at Museums for Increased Participation and Co-creation” helps museum professionals to broaden their approach to outreach by embracing digital tools. The book delves into key concepts such as learning,…
GEM - the Group for Education in Museums has published its 2024 GEM Museum Learning Report. It highlights freelancers'…
NEMO is happy to announce that five museum educators, connected to NEMO member organisations, from Türkiye, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and North Macedonia have been selected for the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme cycle…
Take the chance to develop professionally in individualised mentoring sessions. The call for applications to the sixth edition of the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme running from September-November is open until 30 June 2024.
Five museum educators, connected to NEMO member organisations, from Greece, Ireland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain and have been…
In 2023, 10 persons participated in the NEMO membership exclusive training programme One to One Mentoring. The opportunity is offered in partnership with the Group for Education in Museums (GEM). The call for applications for the…
Members of the NEMO Working Group LEM - The Learning Museum, which focuses its work on education in museums, met for its yearly study visit inSkopje, North Macedonia, from 5-7 October 2023. They got to visit eight museums and…
NEMO is thrilled to share the recording of the launch event of NEMO’s report Digital Learning and Education in Museums: How innovative approaches contribute to the future of digital engagement. The event took place on 27 April…
Five persons connected to NEMO member organisations based in Greece, Ireland, Montenegro, Slovakia and Spain have been notified about their successful applications to the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme.