Members of the NEMO Working Group LEM - The Learning Museum, which focuses its work on education in museums, met for its yearly study visit inSkopje, North Macedonia, from 5-7 October 2023. They got to visit eight museums and…
NEMO is thrilled to share the recording of the launch event of NEMO’s report Digital Learning and Education in Museums: How innovative approaches contribute to the future of digital engagement. The event took place on 27 April…
Five persons connected to NEMO member organisations based in Greece, Ireland, Montenegro, Slovakia and Spain have been notified about their successful applications to the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme.
The second call of 2023 for the member exclusive NEMO One to One Mentoring programme is open until 31 July 2023. For the autumn round, another 5 persons will secure the opportunity to receive 2-3 online mentoring sessions from…
A new report published by the NEMO Working Group LEM – the Learning Museum opens by stating that education and public engagement are key tasks of museums today. To contribute to this important work, the group is sharing a set of…
Five people active within NEMO member organisations have been selected to take part in the first round in 2023 of NEMO’s member…
The report ‘Digital learning and education in museums - Innovative approaches and insights’ presents 15 European digital museum projects and offers recommendations for fostering digital engagement, learning and education in the…
On 8 March from 17:30-19:30 CET, the next webinar co-organised by NEMO, AIEM, GEM Italy and ICOM Italy takes place. The webinar…
The recent study “Open GLAM & education. Teachers’ and educator’s perspective on digital culture resources” aims at understanding the importance of online heritage-based tools, resources, and digitized collections for formal and…