Anyone who wishes to get familiar with the associated resources and opportunities of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative,…
On 18 October, the European Parliament announced support for an increase of the Creative Europe budget, rather than a 40 million…
NEMO highlights four calls under the Horizon Europe programme that are relevant to museums. Two upcoming events inform about the funding programme and offer a matchmaking session for potential partners who are interested in the…
The European Commission has opened new calls for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme to invest in data spaces for tourism…
On 7 September, the European Union and the UK reached an agreement on the association of the UK with the 95 billion-euro research…
Together with 70 cultural networks, NEMO has addressed a letter of concern regarding the proposed 40-million-euro budget cuts of…
NEMO has published a new page that offers an overview of European cooperation projects that the network was part of developing and completing. Have a look to learn about the outcomes and achievements of MOI! Museums of Impact,…
On 20 July 2023, the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG) sent a letter of concern to the European Council regarding the…
As part of writing a project application in response to the European Commission call (HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01-01), NEMO and the other consortium partners are collecting indications of interest for a stakeholder mapping…