NEMO has issued a call for a research that will identify EU funding for projects focused on, or linked to, museums in the Member States of Europe in the period 2014-2017. The research should be finalized by 20 August 2019 and NEMO…
On 14 May 2019, NEMO and other relevant stakeholders from the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) were invited by the European Commission to give feedback, comments and suggestions on the pilot project CONTENTshift. The pilot…
The NEMO Working Group LEM - The Learning Museum has researched visitor engagement in natural history museums. The results can be found in the group report "Engaging Visitors in Natural History Museums: A NEMO - The Learning…
NEMO recently released a collection of the papers from its 26th European Museum Conference “Museums out of the Box! The Crossover…
The working group Museums and Creative Industries (MCI) will travel to the Sviyazhsk Town-Island Museum Reserve in Kazan, Russia, from 10-13 June 2019 for its next study visit.
On Friday 24 May 2019, Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee participated in a NEMO Political Internship in Museums at the Royal Museums of Turin. He left the memorable experience with a greater…
In the course of two lectures and a workshop, the participants will get to learn how to tap into museums’ soft power and explore ways to create first steps towards a happiness-focused museum. The training takes place on 27…
On 14 May 2019, NEMO attended two meetings in Brussels, Belgium. First, NEMO met with the European Heritage Alliance to discuss the legacy of the EYCH 2018. At the second meeting, NEMO was invited by the European Commission to…
As a member of the advisory board of the EU project Crowd Heritage, NEMO participated in a first meeting of the board, discussing the different platforms and activities in which citizens can get in touch with cultural heritage…