Join the CHARTER Community to contribute to a…

CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance, is offering people active within cultural heritage to connect and contribute to the Erasmus+ project, which aims at creating a sustainable and resilient cultural heritage…

NEMO and inDICEs workshop on digital…

On 5, 12 and 19 November 2021, 18 participants from 14 countries, including a few guest participants from outside the Council of Europe, met for an online workshop organized by inDICEs and NEMO. The group gained new insights into…

 Screenshot of an online presentation. On the left side are the presentation slides on project application processes. On the right side are videos of the speaker and participants.
Expert training based on NEMO toolkit…

From 18-20 November 2021, Margherita Sani gave an expert training on cross-border cooperation for museum professionals taking part in the project Be Museumer. NEMO is a partner of the project, which aims to contribute to the…

Horizon Europe funding explained by NEMO with the example of inDICEs

On 9 November 2021, NEMO Secretary General participated in the online meeting “Europa fördert Kultur: Der Kompass für die…

CHARTER Alliance publishes report and model…

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER has released its first public report since the project started in January 2021. The report “A new landscape for heritage professions – preliminary findings” presents the…

Outcomes of inDICEs event on digitisation in the cultural heritage sector

On 20 April 2021, inDICEs – Measuring the Impact of Cultural Heritage gathered cultural heritage professionals, policymakers and…

New CHARTER Alliance will unite and…

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER brings together the expertise of 47 European cultural heritage organisations to ensure a long-lasting and durable cultural heritage sector. Over four years, the Erasmus+…

 Against a pink background the writing announces an event "Evaluations of Impact", hosted by MOI.
MOI! invites Nordic museums to expert meeting…

Museum professionals active in the Nordic countries are invited to an open stakeholder forum on 10 May 2021 from 10:30 – 16:45 CEST. The meeting will focus on developmental self-evaluation and how it can be used to strengthen the…

 This cartoon shows three bean-shaped characters in black and white. They are smiling and looking towards their reflection in a standing mirror. In the reflection they are showing a thumbs-up.
Thoughts on social impact by museums…

On 22 February 2021, the second open stakeholder forum organised within the framework of MOI! Museums of Impact took place. BAM! Strategie Culturali facilitated the event, which gathered Italian museum and cultural heritage…