A person, photographed from the back, is walking barefoot through a flooded street.
A practical checklist for building…

The German Museums Association has released a comprehensive checklist designed to guide museums towards becoming more resilient in times of crisis.

 Three kids look at objects placed in a monter. The girl points at an object and explains it to the two boys.
Dutch museum sector in 2023: Key insights and…

The Dutch Museum Association has published its annual report, Museumcijfers, offering a valuable overview of the state of the museum sector in 2023. The report underscores the sector's ongoing challenges, such as financial…

 The facade of a building is covered by a vertical garden.
German Museums Association launches…

The German Museums Association has launched the project ‘Zertifizierung “Nachhaltige Museen” – Vom Wollen zum Machen’ (‘Sustainable Museums’ Certification – From wanting to doing). This initiative aims to develop and implement a…

 Two children are depicted dancing joyfully inside an exhibition space.
Dutch government's VAT increase threatens…

The Dutch government’s plan to increase VAT from 9% to 21% has prompted a united response in protest and joint action from key actors in the sports, media, books, culture, and the hospitality sectors.

 A group of children and adults interact with a digital projection on the floor.
Museum Data Service platform will centralise…

The new platform Museum Data Service (MDS) will bring together and manage over 100 million records from 1,750 accredited museums and collections across the United Kingdom. The launch of MDS marks the biggest moment in the sector’s…

 Abstract view of a modern stairwell from above. To the right a person is shown walking out of the picture frame.
Museum boom at risk: Finnish museums…

The Finnish museum sector may be heading towards challenging times according to a 2025 forecast survey, published by the Finnish Museums Association. Visitor numbers and service revenue are still on the rise, but the survey…

Report on the public’s museum habits in Denmark

7 out of 10 citizens have visited a museum at least once within the past 12 months, and thus museums rank at the top among the…

Two-thirds of UK museums directors warn of…

A recent report by Art Fund finds that museum directors in the United Kingdom are concerned about funding shortfalls despite a rise in visitor numbers following the Covid pandemic. The research also shows that organisations need a…

 A person with shoulder length hair is looking at an art piece in a glass monter.
Increased funding for Danish museums in new…

An awaited reform by the Danish Ministry of Culture of the state funding of museums in Denmark was presented on 16 May. The Association of Danish Museums welcomes the new reform that will increase funding from about DKK 470…