Letter of solidarity - Art against oppression: Solidarity with Georgia

Over 1,500 artists and cultural workers worldwide have signed a letter of solidarity with Georgian artists and the people of…

Europe-wide campaign calls for cultural and…

The European Theatre Convention (ETC) has launched a campaign to protect culture in its diversity from attacks and bans. The initiative urges the European Parliament to take a definitive stance on cultural autonomy by enacting a…

Report: Transforming access - Inclusive practices in museums

A report published by the Balkan Museum Network aims to help museums create environments that foster inclusivity, enhance visitor…

Recording of keynote from NEMO European…

NEMO's European Museum Conference 'Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation', was opened with a keynote by Meta Knol, an advocate for the transformative role of museums in society. To share her words further, NEMO has published a…

NEMO EMC attendees continued to explore…

On the final day of the NEMO European Museum Conference 2024 ‘Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation’, running from 10-12 November in Sibiu, Romania, participants got input on and discussed topics ranging from the nuanced roles…

NEMO European Museum Conference 2024: Setting…

241 participants from 37 countries have gathered in Sibiu, Romania, to attend NEMO's European Museum Conference 2024 ‘Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation’, taking place from 10-12 November. The first day offered several…

 Two children are photographed from the back in a blue lit exhibition space. One of them is sitting, the other one is standing in front of a tablet.
LGBTQIA+ teens most affected by the youth…

The mental health crisis among young people is hitting LGBTQIA+ teens particularly hard according to recent research. Learn below how NEMO is committed to help museums support and empower queer teens and other marginalised…

 Statue wrapped in protective material.
Declaration on the protection of archives,…

In connection to the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, ICOM, ICA, ICOMOS and IFLA published a declaration expressing deep concern as conflicts and…

 Woman with her back to the camera is looking at a painting of a person in a black dress. The wall is also black which contrasts the woman's red dress.
Benefits and challenges of producing creative…

In an article for the American Alliance of Museums, Eli Burke, Education Director at MOCA Tucson, shares insights and lessons learned from developing creative ageing programmes for the LGBTQIA+ community.