A report commissioned by the American Alliance of Museums is a call to action for museums to change the narrative about what it…
The recording of the recent NEMO Webinar with accessibility expert Maria Chiara Ciaccheri shares thoughts on rethinking museum accessibility strategies. She presents actions to make the museum experience more inclusive and…
The guide ‘Museums and Human Rights: Human rights as a basis for public service’ by Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow, aims to…
A recent report shows and suggests that arts should be an integral part of modern health and social care. It demonstrates that…
Knowing that many museums across Europe already actively contribute with climate action for sustainability, NEMO has launched a new interactive map that collects and shows how museums are acting on the climate crisis. The map…
The report “Workplace Equity and Organizational Culture in U.S. Art Museums” by Museums Moving Forward paints a bleak picture of working conditions and staff wellbeing in the American museum sector.
NEMO welcomes the recently published Trans-Inclusive Culture: Guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations. The important resource is developed by University of Leicester’s…
Since 2019, the project I-ON Identity on the Line explored the long-term consequences of different migration processes, forced or…
In a blog post for the American Alliance of Museums, Jackie Armstrong shares how museums can embed trauma-informed practices and values into their work to create a better visitor experience for all.