The Gaziantep Castle in Turkey is photographed from below.
Museum sector organises support following…

NEMO member the UK Museums Association launches a Humanitarian Support Fund and ICOM mobilises resources to help safeguard cultural heritage following the devastating earthquakes that took place on 6 February 2023.

 A woman in profile is sitting down on a bench and looks at four paintings on a wall.
EU Commission asks for feedback on mental…

Until 15 February 2023, the European Commission welcomes the citizens of the EU to give their input and feedback on a new initiative that will deal with mental health. To be sure that museum are recognised in the new initiative,…

Report on youth, mental health and culture

Voices of Culture has published its brainstorming report Youth, Mental Health and Culture, which explores how arts and culture…

Culture in Crisis Portal maps and supports heritage at risk

The V&A’s Culture in Crisis Portal is free to use and contributes to protecting the world’s cultural heritage and supporting…

Study shows that the wellbeing effect of Finnish museums is worth millions

The Finnish Museums Association has published the results of a study mapping the perceived feelings of wellbeing from museum…

 A blind person is feeling a replica of a painting. The different elements of the painting are made from different kinds of materials.
Interactive map gives overview of accessible…

The Balkan Museum Network has published an interactive map that offers an overview of more than 40 accessible museums, galleries and historical sites in the Balkans.

 People are taking photos and look at paintings inside a gallery. A person in the foreground is leaving the room and is therefore blurry in the picture.
Toolkit supports city museums in creating and…

The Museum Impact Toolkit (MIT) helps museums create and assess social impact on both a practical and strategic level. Although the toolkit primarily is designed with city museums in mind, it is suitable for other kinds of museums…

Report on museums, class and the pandemic

A recent report investigates the lived experiences of working-class Londoners in London during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research…

Results from research on museum workforce wellbeing

The UK Museums Association has published results and recommendations from its recent research on wellbeing among the museum…