Insights from the first MOI! Stakeholders…

On 10 November 2020, German museum professionals were invited to exchange with colleagues in a digital Stakeholders Forum organised within the framework of the project MOI! Museums of Impact. A recent report compiles the outcomes…

 This images announces the digital conference Museums and Social Responsibility. Various logos of supporting and hosting organisations are included. The background is dark blue and shows pictogramms of people as well as a map of Europe.
Join the second edition of the conference…

From 23-24 March 2021, the conference series Museums and Social Responsibility will be continued. The free online conference will focus on Participation, Networking and Partnerships. It is organised by the Directorate-General for…

 This is the logo of Moi (Museums of Impact). The background is bright pink, while the writing is in white.
Invitation to Italian Expert Forum on social…

On 22 February 2021, Italian speaking museum professionals are invited to participate in the second stakeholders meeting of MOI! Museums of Impact. The meeting will focus on strategies of social impact.

Video resources on decolonising museums

The Museums Association UK has launched a hub of videos that explore decolonial practice in museums.

 This photograph depicts a person showing to children how to handle dough. They stand outside behind a wooden trough.
Step-by-step guides on implementing…

Ki Culture has released three guides that promise simple step-by-step guidance to implementing sustainable changes within cultural heritage institutions. Each guide focus on different themes, which include Waste and Material,…

NEMO Publication on the social responsibility…

To reach as many people as possible with the main messages of the conference Museums and Social Responsibility - Values revisited, NEMO and the German Museums Association are proud to present a publication with texts based on the…

Winners of the Activist Museum Award 2020-2021

The Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG), in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, recently…

 This is a screenshot of a zoom meeting.
Official start of MOI! Museums of Impact – A…

The European co-operation project MOI! Museums of Impact has been launched with the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. On 10 December 2020, the stakeholders meet online to talk about the upcoming…

UK medicine museum becomes Covid-19 vaccination hub

As vaccinations start in the United Kingdom, the Thackray Museum of Medicine in Leeds has become the first UK museum to assist by…