Call for participants – Museum peer learning visit to Leeds

Applications to join the upcoming study visit to Leeds (the United Kingdom) are welcome until 25 March 2022. 24 people will be…

Austrian museum professionals invited to a…

On 21 March 2022, people active in the Austrian museum field are invited to join a free event presenting a quality management analysis tool and introducing the MOI! Museums of Impact project. The event takes place at the…

Register to CHARTER Meetup on working in the…

Save the date to the first publicly open organised by the CHARTER – The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance. Register to secure your spot to “How can we describe working in the cultural heritage sector?”, taking place…

 Two children are shown from the back enganging with an exhibition display. They are turning moveable tiles on which letters are printed.
Call for applications – NEMO training on…

NEMO and MOI! Museums of Impact are organising an online training on assessing and developing the impact of individual museums. Apply until 4 March 2022 for the chance to learn about MOI, impact-lead evaluation and relevant…

NEMO One to One Mentoring: First call for…

NEMO has launched a call for applications to the first round of its new training activity One to One Mentoring, organised in partnership with GEM – the Group for Education in Museums. The mentoring programme is exclusively open to…

UNESCO resources on combatting illicit trafficking of cultural goods

UNESCO has launched three new webpages that gather valuable material developed by the current and previous EU-UNESCO cooperation…

 Photo of two people talking in a lecture hall.
NEMO and GEM to provide mentoring…

NEMO is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Group for Education in Museums (GEM). Starting 2022, 10 museum professionals connected to NEMO member organisations will be offered to participate in GEM’s One to One Mentoring…

Horizon Europe funding for culture: Join an info-day and brokerage event

In preparation for the launch of 10 Horizon Europe funding and tender opportunities for culture on 20 January 2022, the European…

Watch online: NEMO Webinar on assessing…

For the last online training session of 2021 on 23 November, NEMO invited the SoPHIA project to describe their Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model to the NEMO members and webinar audience.