In November 2024, the European Commission published the result of two years of dedicated work by its expert group on safeguarding…
June saw several events and actions towards Ukraine’s cultural recovery with two international conferences and that the EU…
As part of the ICOM aid project "Ukrainian museums at risk –a three-step solution plan through knowledge, action and visibility" and in cooperation with NEMO – the Network of European Museum Organisations and the German Museums…
The Polish National Institute for Museums has published an English version of its guidelines for museums to prepare for situations…
The project “Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” includes a series of calls for proposals for collaboration grants (up to 40.000…
The CULT Committee of the European Parliament has published a study on protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in…
Upon invitation, NEMO spoke at the conference “Filling Blind Spots. Placing Ukraine on Europe’s Cultural Map”, which was organised by OBMIN from 3-6 July 2023 in Warsaw, Poland. NEMO digitally joined a panel on setting up museum…
As part of the Cultural Deal for Europe Campaign, Culture Action Europe has published a cookbook with 8 recipes for the 8 calls making up the campaign to create a palatable breakdown of the Cultural Deal for Europe.
In the fifth edition of the EMA European Museum Report, the writers give account of how European did in 2022 and their main challenges and opportunities. Key themes brought up include the war in Ukraine, energy prices and…