
Get to know the speakers and workshop leaders that will inspire us at the NEMO European Museum Conference “Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation”, taking place from 10-12 November 2024 in Sibiu, Romania. Together we will explore the vital role museums (can) play in today’s challenged democracies.

Aivi Ross

Estonian National Museum, Estonia

Alenka Černelič Krošelj

Slovenian Museum Association, Slovenia

Anders Bettum

Intercultural Museum, Norway

Asla Heikkar

The Finnish Postal Museum, Finland

Borka Bazsó

Museum of Ethnography, Hungary

Casey Scott-Songin

The Creative Researcher, United Kingdom

  © Image: Kristin Stoylen
Cecilie Rørstad

Viti, Norway

  © Image: Stina Gulbrandsen
Charis Gullickson

Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Norway/USA

Ciprian Stefan

National Network of Romanian Museums & ASTRA Museum, Romania

Cristina Toma

National Museum of Maps and Old Books, Romania

Ece Özdil

Jüniör, Italy/Türkiye

  © Image: Liz Isles
E-J Scott

Curator, Museum of Transology, United Kingdom

Elena Polivtseva

Culture Policy Room, Belgium

Eva Koppen

Freelance museum sector consultant, the Netherlands

Henrike Radermacher

FARO, the Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage, Belgium

Ingvill Naalsund

Viti, Norway

Ivor Crotty

Digital storyteller and educator, Ireland/Croatia

Birgitte Kehler Holst

Danish Museum Association, Denmark

Jana Golombek

LWL Industrial Museum Zollern, Germany

Joshua Robertson

Museums Association, United Kingdom

Lars Ebert

Culture Action Europe, Belgium/Germany

Portrait of a person standing in front of a hedge.
Maria Vlachou

Acesso Cultura, Portugal

Maria Smorzevskihh-Smirnova

Narva-Museum, Estonia

Marianna Berényi

Museum of Ethnography, Hungary

Meta Knol

Working at intersection of culture, science and society, the Netherlands


Miranda Stearn

GEM - Group for Education in Museums, United Kingdom

Mirjam Wenzel

Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Germany

Olga van Oost

FARO, the Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage, Belgium

Patricia Rahemipour

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany

Petra Havu

Finnish Museums Association, Finland

Rachel Tranter

GEM - Group for Education in Museums, United Kingdom

Raluca Turcan

Minister of Culture, Romania

Rašeljka Bilić Boras

Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media, Croatia

This is a portrait photograph.
Rebecca Thonander

NEMO, Germany

Roel Daenen

FARO, the Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage, Belgium

Sabine Verheyen

European Parliamet, Belgium/Germany

Stephanie Bonnici

European Cultural Foundation, Malta/the Netherlands

Vera Carasso

Dutch Museum Association, the Netherlands

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