Publication on Crowdfunding in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

"Crowdfunding - Reshaping the crowd's engagement in culture" is the European Commission's new publication looking at the role, potential and barriers of crowdfunding for the CCS. It concludes with recommendations for the CCS as well as European policy makers.

<link file:2720 file>Crowdfunding - Reshaping the crowd’s engagement in culture is a response tp the increasing role crowdfunding plays for the European cultural and creative sector (CCS). Digitisation, the financial crisis and a growing interest in engaging with the public have poplularised crowdfunding as a method of fundraising and community building for the CCS. The study maps and analyses how crowdfunding is currently being used for the benefit of cultural and creative activities, and evaluates to what extent barriers hamper the further integration of crowdfunding in the financing mix and broader practice of CCS actors. Looking into different crowdfunding models, it examines the benefits of such campaigns beyond the financial realm and explores the value of partnerships between different actors. Based on the analysis, the study puts forward recommendations to policy makers on what is needed for crowdfunding to further develop as a multi-purpose tool for CCS practices.

You can find the study in NEMO's <link internal-link internal link in current>Reading Corner.

The study is accompanied by a website – <link http:> – that has been developed as a European information hub on everything related to crowdfunding for culture. The website contains among others:

  • map of all <link https: platforms-map>crowdfunding platforms across Europe (including comparative information on the crowdfunding models being used, costs of use, etc.) that have a specific focus on the Cultural and Creative Sectors;
  • a repository of <link https: case-studies>case studies that have been developed in the context of this study; and
  • an inventory of interesting <link https: news-and-events>events, news, tools and studies that relate to crowdfunding for the CCS.