Ursula von der Leyen has announced her Team for the next European Commission

On 10 September 2019, President-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented the structure of the next European Commission. EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel has been appointment to lead Innovation and Youth, which includes Education, Research, Culture, International Cultural Cooperations, Cultural Heritage amongst other. NEMO is concerned that culture no longer is visible in the new Commissioner – designate portfolios.

The Commission is structured around the objectives that Ursula von der Leyen was elected on by the European Parliament. The new EC will reflect the priorities and ambitions set out in the Political Guidelines.

President-elect Ursula von der Leyen said: "This team will shape the European Way: we will take bold action against climate change, build our partnership with the United States, define our relations with a more self-assertive China and be a reliable neighbour, for example to Africa. This team will have to stand up for our values and world-class standards. I want a Commission that is led with determination, that is clearly focused on the issues at hand and that provides answers. I want it to be a well-balanced, agile and modern Commission. This team will now have to gain the Parliament's confidence. My Commission will be a geopolitical Commission committed to sustainable policies. And I want the European Union to be the guardian of multilateralism. Because we know that we are stronger by doing together what we cannot do alone."

NEMO is concerned to see that culture is not recognised in the new EC portfolios. After all, culture can in a multitude of ways facilitate von der Leyen’s goals as it makes people come together and understand each other. To not explicitly include culture in the portfolios is worrying and the title of Mariya Gabriel’s portfolio, which is a combination of former Directorate-General Research and Innovation and Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, implies that culture will not be highest on the agenda, but rather Youth and Innovation.