What a Visit to a Museum can Mean for Children

Liesbet Ruben shares her experiences working at the Children Museum Tropenmuseum Junior in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Curator Liesbet Ruben shares views on making a museum visit worthwhile and lasting for children, with the platform School Education Gateway. Ruben finds that positive museum experience can last with children for a lifetime. Activities play an important role in people’s experience and memory. Further she underlines the importance of skilled staff in museums as these pose as the best interactive medium for providing a meaningful experience. The basic principles of reality, immersion, dynamism, relation, personal, surprise and share become important when planning a museum exhibition, as well as visit, for children.

Ruben also lists some useful advice to teachers to take into account before a museum visit. <link https: www.schooleducationgateway.eu en pub viewpoints experts what-a-visit-to-a-museum-can-m.htm external-link-new-window external link in new>Read them and the full article here.

Margherita Sani recently facilitated a NEMO Webinar on young people and museums, with a special focus on Dutch museums. <link internal-link internal link in current>Watch "The NL Factor - A journey in the educational world of Dutch museums" here.