2142 results


The 30th volume of Museum Ireland examines the evolving role of museums in contemporary Irish society, with a particular focus on trust, representation, power dynamics, and societal challenges.


On 4 November 2024, NEMO contributed to Museoalan Teemapäivät 2024 (Museum Theme Days), organised by the Finnish Heritage Agency in Helsinki, Finland. The conference, held from 4-5 November, explored


On 9 May 2022, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) published two proposed museum definitions 3 years after a new definition was proposed in Kyoto. The proposal led to protests and debates


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Facing a civil society that increasingly wants to be heard and to participate in the life of institutions, inclusive initiatives have been flourishing in museums for several years. What space should


After having to close in connection to a national lockdown on 22 November 2021, Austrian museums could reopen again on 11 December. Since 13 December, museums in all of the federal states are


The European Schoolnet is looking for three museum educators active in the European Union to join the Europeana DSI-4 project as Europeana Museum Educator Ambassadors (November 2020 – August 2021).


A three-month pilot project in Brussels, Belgium, allows doctors to prescribe museum visits to rebuild mental health amid the Covid-19 pandemic. To begin with, patients treated for stress at the


The Natural History and Archaeology Museum of Montebelluna (Italy) was awarded third place among the SHARE-ORG Competition winners. “RE-ORG FOR EVERYBODY”, focused on the ethnological collection


At a press conference on 26 February 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the initiative BE MUSEUMERS was officially launched. The project aims to empower museum professionals from the South Caucasus region

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