Out of the research project grew the group “Museer er ikke nøytrale / Museat eai leat neutrálat.” For Charis, it is about learning to see (understanding systems of power and hierarchical structures). If museum practitioners cannot see the structural and systemic problems that exist, they cannot begin to fix them. Charis is senior curator at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum in Romsa/Tromsø, Norway.
At NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2024, Charis Gullickson will (digitally) join the session “Should we talk?” on Tuesday 12 November.
Presentation abstract:
Museer er ikke nøytrale / Museat eai leat neutrálat – How an art museum takes its practices to the streets
Public art museums have the potential to act as critical social actors. What happens when art museums assume the role of activists? What is Museer er ikke nøytrale and how did it grow out of my research project?