Museums support Ukraine

At the very onset of the war in Ukraine and after receiving calls and messages from colleagues from across Europe asking how they can support their Ukrainian colleagues, NEMO collected and monitored support activities and initiatives organised by museums for colleagues and citizens affected by the war.

Report: Safeguarding Ukraine’s cultural heritage

In November 2024, the European Commission published the result of two years of dedicated work by its expert group on safeguarding…

Cultural recovery in Ukraine

June saw several events and actions towards Ukraine’s cultural recovery with two international conferences and that the EU…

Guidelines now available in Ukrainian to…

As part of the ICOM aid project "Ukrainian museums at risk –a three-step solution plan through knowledge, action and visibility" and in cooperation with NEMO – the Network of European Museum Organisations and the German Museums…


Support actions

This page gathers support actions relating to Support on the ground, Storage and Housing, Job offers, Donations, Education and Exhibitions as well as statements issued by European museum organisations. Please also read NEMO's statement published on 25 February in solidarity with all cultural organisations and individuals in Ukraine.

Читати сторінку українською (автоматичний переклад за допомогою Google Translate) 

Come back to this page regularly since new offers will be added continuously. Submit your contributions (including location and description in English) to

Please share this page with affected people, especially Ukrainian museums and museum professionals. To access the page in another language, we recommend using the free Google Translate tool. Go to, paste the full URL (, choose language and click on the link appearing in the right box.

Support on the ground in Ukraine

Polish Committee aims to protect Ukrainian collections
  • Komitet Pomocy Muzeom Ukrainy
  • Poland

The newly founded committee aims to support all Ukrainian museums and cultural institutions in the protection of collections, the most valuable souvenirs and monuments of Ukrainian culture. 50 cultural institutions are involved in the initiative, which was initiated by the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

The committee is ready to support Ukrainian museums in the following aspects:

  • support in documentation, digitization and inventory of collections;
  • providing materials needed to protect and hide the collections;
  • sharing experiences and good practices in the protection of collections;
  • collecting documentation proving the looting and destruction of Ukrainian cultural goods

The committee has already started collecting information about needs from various Ukrainian museums. A first set of materials for packing, protecting and conserving collections has been gathered. The materials will soon be delivered to chosen Ukrainian institutions from where they will be redistributed by local coordinators to facilities that have declared the need for support. To be able to continue the support, the committee has launched fundraiser run by the Paweł Włodkiewicz Institute.

Phone: +48 22 376 68 36 (supported in Ukrainian)
Phone : +48 22 376 68 43 (supported in Polish and English)

Ukrainian version:

Комітет допомоги музеям України

Агресія Росії проти України спричиняє незліченну кількість злочинів, страждань і жертв. У таких умовах найважливішими є люди – мирне населення, яке зазнає варварських бомбардувань та солдати, які борються з агресором. Сьогодні українці гинуть, захищаючи рідну землю.

Але кожна війнa також означає непоправні втрати в національній спадщині та культурі. Сьогодні українські музеї стикаються з екстремальними викликами – як захистити та зберегти колекції, як зберегти спадщину багатьох поколінь, про які вони піклуються.

Польща це дуже добре розуміє. Розкрадання та знищення культурних цінностей у нашій країні набули виняткових розмірів під час Другої світової війни; кульмінацією стало повне пограбування та знищення Варшави під час Варшавського повстання та одразу після його придушення. Подібних втрат ніколи більше не повинна зазнати жодна нація та держава. На жаль, сьогодні це загрожує Україні.

Тому, щоб не допустити катастрофи та підтримати наших колег з України, ми створюємо Комітет Допомоги Музеям України. Його основними цілями є:

  • підтримка всіх музеїв і закладів культури України в евакуації та охороні колекцій, найцінніших експонатів і пам'яток української культури;
  • допомога з документацією, оцифруванням та інвентаризацією колекцій;
  • надання матеріалів, необхідних для захисту та переховування колекцій;
  • обмін досвідом;
  • збір документів, що підтверджують розкрадання та знищення українських культурних цінностей.

Боротьба за збереження культурної та національної спадщини України – це наша спільна боротьба!

More information


List of Ukrainian museums' needs - Donate to help

The Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative (HERI) has collected information on the most pressing needs of museums and museum professionals in Ukraine. 75 museums from 16 regions in Ukraine (excluding the western regions, which are comparatively safer) have answered to HERI’s questionnaire on needs. The list is regularly updated online and includes amongst others:

  • Financial support for museum and cultural sector staff in emergency situations.
  • Mobile phone payment for the staff working on saving and protecting cultural heritage from destruction.
  • Generators and fuel.
  • Packing materials (cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, craft packing roll paper, stretch film, corrugated cardboard rolls, envelopes, waterproof pack bags etc.).
  • Fire extinguishers.
  • Sacks for sand.
  • Payment for cloud storage services.

HERI collects resources, including money, to cover the museums’ needs and communicates with those museums directly. The list includes price estimates of the different items to give an overview of the overall budget that is needed to efficiently help the Ukrainian museums and museum professionals.

Donations in EUR can be sent to the bank details below. The account belongs to Tustan NGO, which is one of the co-founders of HERI. Because of the war, it has been impossible for HERI to register a new organisation and bank account. Donations in dollars and Ukrainian Hryvnia is also possible. Find more details about donations and wire transfer in this document.

Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative (HERI) is a newly founded initiative working with the aim of preserving cultural heritage in warzones and its post-crisis recovery. Right now, the focus is on Ukraine and all HERI activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Culture and Information Police of Ukraine, UNESCO, ICOM, ICOM-DRMC, ICCROM and other institutions and rescue initiatives in Ukraine and worldwide.


Support for Cultural Institutions, Archives, Libraries and Museums in Ukraine
  • Historical Archive of the City of Cologne
  • Cologne, Germany

The Historical Archive of the City of Cologne is offering support for Ukrainian Cultural Institutions, Archives, Libraries and Museums in various ways: We can offer consultations to provide assistance online and when it is safe to travel to Ukraine we can organise help with salvaging collections on-site. Our archive is able to offer storage space in our air-conditioned strong rooms and we can also carry out vacuum freeze-drying of frozen previously water damaged objects. In addition we can supply different packaging material. Please do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information.



Storage and Housing

Tracking Conservation Shipments
  • Blue Shield International

We understand from our Ukrainian colleagues that they are finding it difficult to keep track of shipments and that some things are duplicated, whilst others are not answered. We also know that when people want to send shipments, it is extremely difficult to know who is working on sending what to coordinate together. We have launched this simple spreadsheet to track shipments via a form you complete. It takes approximately 10 minutes and you can add as much or as little information as you want. If you prefer, you can send the information to us via email.

The data is intended to

  • get an overview of which requests have been / are being answered and by who
  • what conservation materials are being sent
  • where they are going
  • by which routes (to provide assistance to those intending to send materials)

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Storage Space
  • Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
  • Berlin, Germany

The Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation is offering storage space in adequate depots for cultural heritage that has been evacuated from war. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine. Please do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information.



Securing Ukrainian cultural assets
  • Museum der Westlausitz
  • Kamenz, Germany

The museums of the administrative district Bautzen would like to support Ukrainian curators, museum employees and artists to secure Ukrainian art and culture. As an UN specialized agency the ICCROM developed a guideline for protecting and securing endangered cultural assets. This guideline provides for instance important references to evaluate any concrete danger, concepts for evacuations and transport aid. Based on that guidelines should you come to the conclusion that your collections or artistic œuvre should be secured outside of Ukrainian territory, the museums of the administrative district can offer support in:

  • Storage space in adequate depots
  • Conservational care
  • If necessary logistical support during the evacuation



Shelter for Ukranian Culture
  • Allied Museum
  • Berlin, Germany

The Allied Museum is offering storage space for cultural artefacts that have been evacuated from war-torn Ukraine. We are a small museum and our space is limited but we would be happy to accept objects from Ukraine in our storage facilities on a temporary basis until perhaps a central facility has been created. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details on the space available and if it fits the conservational needs of the respective artefacts in question.



Safe Storage and Conservation for Art and Cultural Heritage
  • National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
  • Oslo, Norway

The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design offers safe storage and conservation for art and cultural heritage from Ukraine and stand in solidarity with Ukraine. When our common cultural heritage is threatened it is our responsibility to help and reach out in the ways that we can. Cultural heritage has no borders, and no expiration date. Please contact us when in need of safe storage space or conservatory aid to protect the invaluable cultural heritage from being extinguished.



Accommodation offer
  • European Solidarity Centre
  • Gdańsk, Poland

There is a room for the Ukrainian community available – the Self-Help Committee “Ukrainians for Ukrainians”

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Large-scale depot for objects
  • Anno Museum 
  • Elverum, Norway

Anno Museum offers the possibility to store large volumes of objects in our new depot. The depot has a capacity of 100.000+ objects, with professional standards for storage and facilities for object entry, assessment, inventory, collection care and conservation etc. The depot is completely new and will be officially inaugurated in April with a minimum of objects already in storage. In case of an emergency movement of large collections out of Ukraine, Anno Museum can offer this storage facility in order to keep these collections on one site with high standards for collection care and conservation. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine, ready to adjust our plans for the storage to accommodate more pressing needs due to the war.


Welcoming museum professionals and their families
  • Portuguese Association of Museology
  • Lisbon, Portugal

With the mission of bringing together museology professionals, or those originating from similar institutions, around the safeguarding, promotion and enhancement of collections, archives and cultural heritage, in all its dimensions APOM – Associação Portuguesa de Museologia provides the following support:

  • Welcoming museology professionals as well as their families. APOM will provide them with proactive support in their integration in Portugal
  • Bureaucratic and institutional support
  • Surveying, inventorization, conservation and safeguarding of museum collections, including in loco, should it be safe to travel to Ukraine.

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Job offers

Scholarships for Ukrainian conservators at the Auschwitz Memorial
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
  • Oświęcim, Poland

In the situation where tens and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens are fleeing to Poland because of Russian aggression, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, in cooperation with the Auschwitz Museum, has decided to provide support. The Foundation has launched a program of scholarships for professional development in the field of conservation of objects of martyrdom for Ukrainian conservators, with the aim of providing equal job opportunities. The project involves the conservation of historical objects related to the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. The scholarships are financed entirely by funds specially earmarked by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation. The scholarships are awarded for 6 months. The Auschwitz Museum will provide the recipients of scholarships with accommodation and introduce them to the project. No knowledge of the Polish language is required. All interested persons are invited to send their applications with brief information about their educational background and the conservation projects in which they participated. They application can be sent in Ukrainian, Polish or English to: 


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Two paid internships for Ukrainian students
  • European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
  • Warsaw, Poland

We offer 2 paid internships for Ukrainian students currently residing in Poland to provide direct support to the project coordinators in our office in Warsaw.  If you are a student with a passion for history, and interest in working in an international environment, please send your CV with a motivation letter by 21 March 2022. Internships will last 4 months and may start in April or May 2022.

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Grant fundraising for museum professionals
  • ICOM Poland

ICOM Poland decided to focus on the needs of the museum personnel that found refuge in our country. With the assistance of ICOM General Secretariat we established an Ukrainian speaking office and started to locate persons scattered throughout Polish cities. We plan to provide 3-months individual grants to the museum professionals that will apply. These grants should help them to accommodate their first needs. At the same time, our office will act as a contact point between the grantees and Polish museums and cultural institutions, so that they may find a job and a welcoming professional milieu. The Polish state already simplified the necessary employment formalities to the minimum. In order to provide these grants we need to raise funds in the international milieu. The Polish state and private pockets are getting dry fast. We count on the support of all organizations that are involved with museums, cultural heritage, art history and humanitarian help.

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Funding Line for Ukrainian scholars
  • Ernst von Siemens Foundation for the Arts (ESVK)
  • Berlin, Germany

The UKRAINE Funding Line will offer support by covering staff costs in public museums and collections that employ either refugee scholars from Ukraine or Russian scholars who were forced to leave Russia due to their opposition to war in Ukraine. Employment of such scholars by and in these institutions would need to be in the context of art historical exhibitions, research projects, catalogue raisonné projects, or communication measures. The maximum length of the individual measures will be one year. The total sum offered for funding will initially amount to two million euros. As in the previous CORONA funding line we welcome co-financing and additional financial support from other patrons, whose contributions we will also be pleased to distribute.

Our funding is designed to provide security and stability to scholars, while safeguarding their knowledge and supporting German institutions which are already engaged in a number of ways in Eastern Europe.

Applications are accepted only via public museums and collections, by e-mail and in a single pdf document.

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Job offer for museum professionals, historians and librarians
  • The Nord Institute of the Wojciech Kętrzyński
  • Olszty, Poland

The Institute offers jobs for 1-2 people from Ukraine, not only for museum professionals, but also for historians and librarians.

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Cooking for Ukraine Refugees
  • POLIN Museum
  • Warsaw, Poland

We just opened a new temporary exhibition, "What’s Cooking? Jewish Culinary Culture," at a time when Warsaw is receiving a steady flow of Ukrainian refugees in great need of shelter and food. POLIN Museum’s restaurant, "Warsze," is preparing free hot meals featuring Jewish specialities and is delivering them directly to those in greatest need. We must not remain indifferent. Please support this effort and donate. 

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Charity auction: Celtic Figures for Ukraine
  • Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
  • Konstanz am Bodensee, Germany

To support the people affected by the Ukraine war, the Archaeological State Museum of Baden-Württemberg is holding a charity auction on March 26, 2022, to sell nine figures from the recently ended special exhibition "Magical Land - Cult of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg". They are life-sized and told their story in the special exhibition representative of people of the Celtic period. The figures are genuine one-of-a-kind pieces that were handcrafted especially for the special exhibition. All proceeds will go to the German action alliances "Entwicklung Hilft" and "Aktion Deutschland Hilft".

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Financial support for Ukraine
  • Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

Together with the visitors of MO Museum we raised 8,812 euros (as ticket sales of the week) for the Blue/Yellow Foundation in the first week of the war in Ukraine. In this way, everyone who sought solace in the museum could also contribute to supporting this country, rich in people and spirit. On 11 March, we hosted two screenings of the film “The Earth is Blue as an Orange” by the Ukrainian director Iryna Tsilyk. Thanks to everyone who came to these film screenings, we sold 196 tickets and all the funds raised – € 1,568 – and they were donated the Blue/Yellow Foundation and the family of the film’s heroine Anna. We continue support and invite MO Museum visitors to contribute. When buying a standard MO Museum ticket, visitors are invited to choose additional €2 or €5 donation to Ukraine. MO Museum will continue to donate it to the Blue/Yellow Foundation

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Solidarity in times of war
  • Regional Museum Chüechlihus
  • Langnau, Switzerland

From 19 March, the Regional Museum Chüechlihus in Langnau i.E. will be open again from Tuesday to Sunday. To mark the start of the season, the museum will donate all proceeds from admission on Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 March, to the organisation "Blue Shield International". The NGO "Blue Shield International" is a UNESCO-affiliated organisation that works to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Special importance is attached to the protection of cultural property in conflict, disaster and emergency situations.  

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Support Roma children and youth in Ukraine
  • Ternype - International Roma Youth Network
  • Brussels, Belgium

We strongly condemn the Russian war against Ukraine. We see with horror the impact it is having on the people of Ukraine, especially Roma children and youth - on their safety, their hopes and their lives. We ask for donations to ensure that Roma children and young people have the same access to humanitarian support as the rest of the population. 

In the current situation, we continue and intensify our long cooperation with our partners and friends from Ukraine to show active solidarity and support the urgent needs of Roma children and young people. This crowdfunding campaign is coordinated by the Ukrainian Roma youth network ARCA (Youth Agency for the Support of Roma Culture)ternYpe -International Roma Youth Network and Phiren Amenca International Network, as well as supported by the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma.

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In Solidarity with Ukraine – Charity concert
  • POLIN Museum
  • Warsaw, Poland

infonia Varsovia, conducted by Maestro Yaroslav Shemet, will give a special concert entitled "In Solidarity with Ukraine" on 31 March at 7 PM at the POLIN Museum Auditorium. All proceeds from ticket sales for this event will be donated to provide meals for Ukrainian refugees staying in temporary accommodations in Warsaw, as part of "Cooking for Ukraine" action. The concert is organized by the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland, Sinfonia Varsovia, and the POLIN Museum.

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Charity concert for Ukraine
  • Oberschlesisches Landesmuseum
  • Ratingen: Germany

On 26 March 2022 at 6 pm, a benefit concert will be held in Haus Oberschlesien (Hösel) under the motto "Voices of Freedom" for the benefit of the people in Ukraine. The patron is the President of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, André Kuper, who will also speak a word of greeting. Foundation Chairman Sebastian Wladarz explains: "Our foundation was established because millions of Germans suffered the fate of flight, expulsion and loss of their homeland after the Second World War. Expulsion is also the common ground that connects Upper Silesia and Ukraine, because Polish or Polish-Ukrainian families, who in turn were expelled from their eastern Polish homeland, today's western Ukraine, often moved into the houses that had been abandoned by Upper Silesians during their flight and expulsion." 

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Photography for Democracy – C/O Berlin Sundays for Ukraine
  • C/O Berlin Foundation
  • Berlin, Germany

Visit C/O Berlin and help Ukraine! C/O Berlin will donate full ticket proceeds on the four Sundays in March to the United Nations Refugee Agency's Ukraine emergency aid. C/O Berlin is deeply committed to providing support where democracy is severely threatened and people have to flee from war. 

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), whose German partner is the UN Refugee Agency, has been active in Ukraine since 1994. Since the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea in 2014, UNHCR has provided protection and humanitarian assistance on both sides of the line of contact. This includes supporting internally displaced people, refugees and stateless people in the country.

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Each Donation is a Beacon
  • Allied Museum
  • Berlin, Germany

Rotating beacons assist pilots in poor weather conditions such as fog. Our beacon is originally from Berlin’s former Tempelhof Airport, central hub of the Berlin Airlift 1948/49. It belongs to the Allied Museum’s collection. In these dark days for Europe, the rotating beacon stands symbolically to guide the refugees of the war in Ukraine to a safe place. By donating money at the Allied Museum you can support those that struggle to survive in the war zone. The admission to the Allied Museum is free of charge. Your donation will go in its entirety to the Ukraine Donation Bridge (Spendenbrücke Ukraine) initiative in Hangar 1 at Tempelhof Airport. Heartfelt thanks from the Allied Museum team!

Donate to support museums and museum workers in warzones
  • Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative
  • Ukraine

The newly founded Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative (HERI) promotes the preservation of cultural heritage in the conditions of war and its post-crisis recovery. HERI would greatly appreciate your kind donations which will be spent to support museums and museum workers from areas where armed conflict is taking place and which are in a zone of humanitarian crisis.

Among the priority areas of the initiative are preparation for rapid response to emergencies in armed conflict; protection of museum collections from losses; carrying out rescue operations; collection and systematization of information on crimes against cultural heritage; coordination of actions between state / municipal authorities, museum institutions, cultural institutions, non-governmental sector and international organizations in the preservation of cultural heritage and its restoration; all possible humanitarian aid.

The HERI activities are coordinated with the Ministry of Culture and Information Police of Ukraine, UNESCO, ICOM, ICOM-DRMC, ICCROM and other institutions and rescue initiatives in Ukraine and the world.

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Ticket donations
  • Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne
  • Lausanne, Switzerland

To show the museum’s commitment to helping the Ukrainian citizens, on March 12 and 13, the profit made by the tickets sale will be donated to Chaine du Bonheur, a national fundraising organization.

Collecting hygiene items to the Ukraine Red Cross
  • Kalevipoeg’s museum
  • Kääpa, Estonia

The years-long conflict in eastern Ukraine is affecting hundreds of thousands of people every day. There is a shortage of food, medical and hygiene supplies; there is also an intermittent supply of water, electricity and heating to the area. The Ukrainian Red Cross ist asking for new, unused hygiene items (detergents, sanitary napkins, diapers, etc.), bed linen, pillows and blankets. The Kalevipoeg's museum has collected hygiene items and took them to the gathering centers.

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Donation not Admission
  • Bauernhaus-Museum Allgäu-Oberschwaben Wolfegg
  • Ravensburg, Germany

On March 19, the Bauernhaus-Museum Allgäu-Oberschwaben Wolfegg starts its new season. After a two years‘ break, the museum officially celebrates the beginning of its new season, with approx. 300 invited guests and additional individual visitors. For this occasion, there will be no entrance fee on this day – for all visitors. Instead, the guests are kindly asked to donate money to support the people in Ukraine. For this purpose, donation baskets will be set up at the entrance. The raised money goes in full to the “Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft“ and “Aktion Deutschland Hilft“, both aid organizations engaged in supporting the people in Urkaine.

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Education and Exhibitions

Free admission on Wednesdays to the Edwin Scharff Museum Neu-Ulm
  • Edwin Scharff Museum
  • Neu-Ulm, Germany

Until the end of 2022, the Edwin Scharff Museum will open its exhibitions to all visitors free of charge every on Wednesdays and would like to extend a warm welcome to people who have fled their home countries. The arrangement is initially valid until the end of the year. On Wednesdays, the museum is open from 1 to 5 pm.

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Museums and Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Curating Tomorrow
  • Liverpool, UK

How can museums use Disaster Risk Reduction approaches, to safeguard themselves, and enhance their contributions to the wider world? “Disaster Risk Reduction is aimed at preventing new and reducing existing disaster risk and managing residual risk, all of which contribute to strengthening resilience and therefore to the achievement of sustainable development.”

includes activities that can be undertaken during and after a disaster, in terms of planning and relationships, and how cultural heritage can be protected and used in peace education. There are lists of references to useful resources at the end. 

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Backup Ukraine - Preserve heritage forever
  • UNESCO, Blue Shield Denmark

Backup Ukraine lets anyone become an archivist. You can scan buildings and monuments as full 3D models using just your phone. And store them in an open, secure online archive — where no bombs can reach.

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#Stop War
  • Odesa Photo Days Festival, Ferenczy Museum Centre
  • Szentendre, Hungary

The organizers of the Odesa Photo Days Festival ask for the support of the international professional photographic community to stand up for Ukraine through their own means, and use their exhibitions and festivals to show images that give a reliable account of the Russian invasion. The Ferenczy Museum Centre and the exhibition space PhotoLab are committed to documentary photography, and believe that photography is a powerful instrument to show reality. The exhibition, Gestures of Freedom explores the aspiration for peace and freedom, as well as the importance of human dignity, through humanist photography. In addition to Róbert László Bácsi’s series of photos, the exhibition space now also features images of the ongoing war in Ukraine. This is our effort to show solidarity and support to the people of Ukraine and to condemn all forms of aggression. 

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Spontaneous exhibition: UKRAINE IN OUR THOUGHTS
  • Finnish Heritage Agency, Picture Collections 
  • Helsinki, Finland

With this Photography exhibition the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency, together with Helsingin Sanomat -media, wants to highlight the perseverance and determination of the Ukrainians to survive the Russian invasion. The photographs in the Picture Collections depict the life of Ukrainians from the beginning of the 20th century to the 21st century. Correspondingly, the Helsingin Sanomat journalists and photographers have reported on the demonstrations in 2014, the situation in Donbass and the current war and the plight of the Ukrainians. Exhibition is free and open 23rd March – 6th April 2022 at the Sanoma House in the Helsinki city centre beside Kiasma the Museum of Contemporary Art. Texts are in Finnish, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

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Volunteers Unite to Archive Ukrainian Cultural Heritage
  • Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

A group of cultural heritage professionals – librarians, archivists, researchers, programmers – are working together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack. We are using a combination of technologies to crawl and archive sites and content.

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Polish Lessons
  • Oshpitzin Museum - Auschwitz Jewish Center, museum Cafe Bergson
  • Oswiecim, Poland

Polish language lessons by Oksana from Zhitomir, previously a volunteer at the Oshpitzin Museum who now returned to Oswiecim as a refugee. Almost 60 people took part in the first lesson on 7 March. Participants were divided into several groups and started with learning the Polish alphabet.

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Helping Refugees in Hungary
  • Pulszky Society Hungarian Museum Association's
  • Hungary

As the pressure of the coronavirus epidemic eases and museums open up, our Society has dedicated a renewed function to our Museum Alternate platform in 2022. The crisis caused by the Ukrainian-Russian war has also affected the museum profession in our country, so we felt it is important to continue our involvement, now in a transformed way. Our society is currently collecting good practices sent by Hungarian professionals to a dedicated e-mail address on the Museum Alternate sub-site. Here, visitors to the website can find articles, statements and research in Hungarian and English, collected in accordance with NEMO’s objectives, which summarise the positions and actions of Hungarian museum professionals as a collection of links. In addition, the Museum and Education Section of our Society organised a conference on 11 April 2022 on the theme of Social Sustainability together with the Centre for Museum Education and Methodology of the Open-Air Museum of Ethnography, Szentendre. In the afternoon session of this conference, our colleagues have already dedicated a special session to the topic of assisting Ukrainian colleagues and presenting good practices. The conference is available here, in Hungarian for the time being. 

Museum as a living room
  • Zeppelin Museum  
  • Friedrichshafen, Germany

The Zeppelin Museum now offers all Ukrainian citizens free admission to its exhibitions - and a chance to use the museum as their living room and work space. "The initiative is an expression of our solidarity with refugees from Ukraine," explains Director Claudia Emmert. "Especially the current exhibition "Relationship Status: Unclear. Art and Literature at Lake Constance," with its integrated living room, offers the opportunity to stay in the museum for a longer period of time, to research, read or work there," Emmert further explains. "We want to take advantage of that." Visitors will find armchairs, tables and chairs, a small library and free Internet access (WiFi) in the exhibition. Visitors can of course bring and use their own laptops, books or work materials. The Zeppelin Museum is also happy to welcome young visitors and children. Starting Easter weekend, the ZeppLab will be transformed into a creative space for children.

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Free tours for Ukrainian refugees
  • Kočevje Regional Museum
  • Kočevje, Slovenia.

Kočevje has been hosting quite some Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children. Because this is a new environment for them the Kočevje Regional Museum would like to introduce it to them. They decided to offer them a free tour of our museum, so they can learn about the history of the region. And a free walking tour of town Kočevje where they are settled, so they get to know the place better. This way we can take their minds off the current situation in their country and show them they are welcome. Tours will be given in English and also translated to Ukrainian by one of the refugees.



The emphasis on emotional and mental health
  • MO Museum
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

In this time of war crisis, it is very important to take care of our emotional health, to calm down, not to panic, and to concentrate on our daily activities. That is why on 5 March we invited everyone to a lecture by psychiatrist and psychotherapist Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Laurinaitis on anxiety in emergency situations and how we can reduce it. March 25 we will host an event for Ukrainian poetry readings - we want all of our visitors to enjoy the culture and poetry of this great nation. We also want everyone to be able to find peace in a museum. Especially those who are in desperate need of it right now. As a museum, we are always ready to provide it. That is why all refugees from Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens living in Lithuania can visit MO Museum for free. We will also visit Ukrainian children who fled to Lithuania with our museum educational activities. 

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Action of Ukrainian artists against the war
  • Pictoric
  • Kiew, Ukraine

Pictoric wants to provide posters (or at least the digital design) for exhibitions to not let people forget about the war in Ukraine. They therefore started a newly created extra page. For cooperation contact

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  • Calaios GmbH
  • Cologone, Germany

Art and culture have the power to resist without weapons. We support the resistance of the people who are standing up against this war in Ukraine, Russia and other countries and who are standing up for peace and freedom. With the action "The power of culture against war", Calaios wants to make initiatives visible that connect people in different places with live online events and move them through art and culture. All proceeds from the events of the campaign "The power of culture against war" will be donated to the Emergency Aid Ukraine of the "Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

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Educational offer for children
  • “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre 
  • Wałbrzych, Poland

The Science and Art Centre organises free workshops and activities for children from Ukraine together with the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.


Spontaneous special exhibition: "Enough! Peace!"
  • Kunstsammlung Gera
  • Gera, Germany

On the occasion of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the Gera Art Collection has reacted with a spontaneous special exhibition showing the consequences of war by means of works of art from its own collection (including Otto Dix, Bernhard Heisig etc.) and thus urgently reminding us that the international community must do everything in its power to preserve global peace. On the one hand, the presentation offers a forum (especially for school classes) to debate and reflect on current events and to talk about concerns and fears. At the same time, the exhibition flyer includes an appeal for donations, asking visitors to support Ukraine.

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Documenting reactions related to the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine
  • Finnish Heritage Agency, Picture Collections
  • Helsinki, Finland

The Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency documents phenomena and events related to the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine, e.g. sanctions and actions against Russia in Finland. Picture collections have documented, for example, Ukrainian anti-war protests in Helsinki. A selection of these photographs is published on the webpage of Finnish Heritage Agency and new images are added there regularly. Later they will be published also on the Finnish digital library, Finna and Europeana.

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Art Workshops for Ukrainian children
  • Archeological Museum
  • Gdańsk, Poland

Ukrainian children can come to free art workshops in the “Blue Lamb” Granary to sew felt toys, for examples favorite animals or make colorful micro-rubber keyrings.

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"A Dragon Descends on Ukraine..." – A virtual memory on the exhibition of Maria Prymachenko
  • Croatian Museum of Naive Art
  • Zagreb, Croatia

As the Museums in Ukraine are closing and the cultural heritage is in danger, we wanted to show our support by exhibiting Ukrainian culture in virtual space. Thus, on Feb 25th, a day after the invasion on Ukraine, we virtually remembered the exhibition of Maria Priymachenko held at the Croatian Museum of Naive Art in 2007 under the auspices of the Ukrainian Embassy. The museum had exhibited 24 works from private and public collections. On that occaasion, we chose 12 documentation photos of Prymachenko artworks from our archives that best describe her rich imagination. Her drawings are not only individual expression, but also a symbolical visions of universal dynamic of Good and Evil and also visionary descriptions of the actual moments. Unfortunately, only a day ofter, on Feb 26, the museum in the Ivankov Region, that held works of Maria Prymachenko, was totally destroyed. In those horrible times, Prymachenko drawings are rising as a symbol of the resistance.

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NEMO's initiative to collect and monitor support actions by European museums for Ukraine has received the support of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).