In an increasingly polarised world, museums hold a crucial role in fostering dialogue and social cohesion. As trusted institutions, they can provide safe spaces for meaningful discussions on pressing issues such as climate change,…
Museums and Sustainability
NEMO encourages and supports museums to do their part and actively contribute to a more sustainable future. We advocate for stakeholders to fully recognise the potential of museums as allies in the sustainable transition. Explore our resources, webinars and what we do for sustainability and climate action.
From 23-24 January 2025, NEMO participated in the kick-off meeting for TOWCHED in Valencia, Spain. The meeting marked the official launch of this three-year initiative (2025-2027), which explores the role of inclusive, arts-based,…
Thanks to our continued partnership with ENCATC, NEMO is excited to accept applications from its members to the 2025 edition of the ENCATC Academy on Sustainable Cultural Management and Policy, taking place from 14–17 April in…
What NEMO does
NEMO wants to make sure that museums are recognised and supported by EU policy makers for the work they do to contribute to a sustainable future by:
- Advocating for the instrumental role of museums in providing opportunities for decent work, poverty reduction, social resilience, gender equality and other aspects relevant to the SDGs.
- Illustrating how museums and creative industries contribute to the realisation of development targets by providing solutions in urban and rural, European national and local contexts.
- Providing information about the different approaches that museums in Europe and around the world are taking to contribute to the Green Deal and help make the world more sustainable in the future.
- Encouraging co-operation between museums and other players to form strong alliances reaching out to global citizens at every level.
- The NEMO Working Group Sustainability and Climate Action contributes to the sustainable development of European museums through research and advocacy and provides a space to exchange knowledge and experiences aligned with tackling the climate crisis.
- NEMO is an active member of Museums for Future and the Climate Heritage Network, and works with a variety of organisations dedicated to climate action and sustainability to help bring the sector together, to align views and actions, and to support museums with a strong voice in their sustainable transition.
NEMO's advocacy actions
Mapping of climate action
NEMO's interactive map demonstrates museums' strength in creating awareness, adapting, and fighting climate change. By joining forces, we can create a museum community that is actively steering the topic forward and show that museums can make an impact and difference for the planet. Please contribute via the submission form.
Pledge for sustainability
NEMO and the European museum sector pledge to work with the community and to use our diverse collections to inspire people to facilitate change for the future sustainability of the planet. This bold statement was prepared and endorsed by all national museum organisations in Europe present at the 2023 NEMO European Museum Conference. It encourages the re-evaluation of museum collections with a view to their social, historical, environmental, and educational impact.
Latest NEMO resources on sustainability
Videos and webinars
Resources from EU institutions
- Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change - Where the European Green Deal meets cultural heritage by the EU Open Method of Coordination (OMC) group of Member States’ experts on ‘Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change’
- Copernicus, European Union's Earth Observation Programme
- Culture and Creativity is the European Commissions’ page gathering all aspects concerning culture and sustainability, including the Council Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022.
- A European Green Deal that will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
- European Commission actions and policies with regard to the SDG’s
- Strategic Agenda of the EU 2019-2024, including the priority to build a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe, including the priority to build a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe
Resources from the wider sector
- Resources and special interest community: Europeana's Climate Action Community
- Resources collection: MFF Resource Libray, hosted by Museums For Future
- Resources collection: Climate resources bank, compiled by the UK Museums Association
- Mobilising Museums for Climate Action, a extensive Tool Kit developed by the Museums for Climate Action project and Curating Tomorrow
- Museums and Disaster Risk Reduction, by Curating Tomorrow
- Action for Climate Empowerment - A guide for galleries, libraries, archives and museums, by Curating Tomorrow
- Ki Books to implement sustainable changes now, by Ki Culture
- Discover museum projects in Latvia within each of the Sustainable Development Goals (in Latvian)
- Culture in the sustainable development goals: A guide for local action, by United Cities and Local Governments
- Guide: How can museums support the Sustainable Development Goals? by Curating Tomorrow
- UN Live Museum