NEMO Webinar on inclusion

On 10 September, from 11:00-12:00 CEST, the next free NEMO Webinar will take place. The University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) and ICOM Italy will introduce participants to the recent recourse ‘Trans-Inclusive Culture: Guidance on advancing trans inclusion’ and explain how to use it to increase inclusion, diversity and be more welcoming.


Travel grants to conference

We're thrilled to announce two travel grant opportunities to the NEMO European Museum Conference 2024: 5 young museum professionals (up tp 30) and 5 museum professionals located in South and Central-Eastern Europe will be awarded a travel grant and free participation at the conference. Deadline to apply: 9 September 2024.


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 A group of people stand in front of a modern painting together with a museum educator. The image is photographed from bird perspective.
NEMO Webinar on trans inclusion in museums:…

Next Tuesday 10 September from 11:00-12:00 CEST, NEMO invites to a free of charge webinar that will help museums, galleries and cultural organisations advance trans inclusion - a step that inherently enhances inclusivity for all…

Museum boom at risk: Finnish museums concerned about financial uncertainty in…

The Finnish museum sector may be heading towards challenging times according to a 2025 forecast survey, published by the Finnish…

 Four children are engaging with an interactive museum display.
Handbook guides museums to enhance outreach…

‘Digital Pedagogy at Museums for Increased Participation and Co-creation” helps museum professionals to broaden their approach to outreach by embracing digital tools. The book delves into key concepts such as learning,…

 Two children are photographed from the back in a blue lit exhibition space. One of them is sitting, the other one is standing in front of a tablet.
LGBTQIA+ teens most affected by the youth…

The mental health crisis among young people is hitting LGBTQIA+ teens particularly hard according to recent research. Learn below how NEMO is committed to help museums support and empower queer teens and other marginalised…

Tools for increased sustainability in museums

The Danish Museums Association’s Green Academy of Museums (Museernes Grønne Akademi) has launched a new tool designed to help Danish museums enhance their environmental sustainability efforts. The "staircase model" provides a…


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