
NEMO’s courses provide training on topics related to all aspects of museum work and are facilitated by international museum experts. Participants also get to share best practice approaches with each other in peer-to-peer exchanges.

Upcoming training

  • Museums for sustainable development: Join the dots, tell the story
  • Facilitated by Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow, and José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM
  • Online on 5, 12, 19 & 26 June 2024 from 10:00-12:30 CEST
  • The call for applications has closed

NEMO and ICCROM are thrilled to invite applications to the online workshop series "Museums for sustainable development: Join the dots, tell the story" with José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM, and Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow.

After the successful collaboration between NEMO and ICCROM for last year’s training “Unlocking the power of museums for Sustainable Development”, the second edition of the online workshop will continue to explore how museums can implement the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Agenda and SDGs are based on the principles of human rights for everyone, Leave No-one Behind (prioritising the needs of those most under-served in society), and gender equality, as well as protecting and restoring the natural environment. Museums can play many roles in this Agenda, through caring for and providing access to collections, education, public participation, creating jobs, training, partnerships, research and more. They also need to manage their negative impacts, for example heavy use of natural resources, and where they marginalise and exclude people. Sustainable development approaches help us to "do more good and do less harm", focusing on addressing the big challenges facing people and nature locally and globally.

NEMO and ICCROM are collaborating on the 4-part training series to develop capacity in museum workers to fully understand sustainable development and the SDGs, to formulate key SDG-oriented challenges or aspirations to be addressed through their collections-based work, and to make and successfully implement a plan to put their ideas into practice.

The workshop will draw on resources created by ICCROM’s Our Collections Matter initiative, notably the online Toolkit, an open-access resource including over 400 practical tools gathered from the heritage sector and beyond.

Outline of workshop programme:
  1. Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals: how they relate to the work of museums. Understanding national and local challenges; recognising how your organisation contributes positively and negatively to sustainable development.
  2. Deciding on your sustainable development challenge/aspiration: setting goals and developing plans, using the Sustainable Development Goal targets.
  3. Finding useful tools to support your project: exploring the Our Collections Matter toolkit. Identifying relevant actors from your context to engage with.
  4. What you are going to do: consolidate and share your commitments and plans.

Practical information

Selected participants are expected to join each of the four sessions on 5, 12, 19 and 26 June 2024 that all will take place from 10:00-12:30 CEST. People connected to NEMO member organisations are given priority and participate in the online training free of charge. Other people working within the museum sector are eligible to participate to a fee of 100 euro.

Meet the facilitators

José Luiz Pederzoli Jr.

Unit Manager, Strategic Planning at ICCROM
Background in polymer chemistry and paper-based heritage. Conservation scientist at the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (1997-2003) and ICCROM (2005-2008). International work on risk management for cultural heritage since 2005. Manages since 2018 at ICCROM the Strategic Planning Unit and a portfolio of projects on heritage collections, risk management and sustainable development.

Henry McGhie

Curating Tomorrow
Henry has a background as an ecologist, museum curator and manage. He runs the UK-based consultancy Curating Tomorrow, and works as a consultant on ICCROM’s Our Collections Matter programme.

NEMO Training participant, Online 2021

Their idea is really great and it was very inspiring to me. The purpose of this course is exactly this: to get inspired and to learn from each other's experience. Thank you!

Past trainings

Three groups of about 5-6 people each are seated around three tables each carrying out a workshop. The workshop leader is standing up discusses something with one of the groups.

22-25 April 2024 | Lille, France

In partnership with ENCATC

September 2023 | Online
NEMO Training

Facilitated by Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow, and José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM


30 June 2023 | Online

Facilitated by Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Line Henriksen, Oskar Aspman (Malmö University)

Group of about 20 persons stand on the steps of a stair case looking towards the camera.

24-27 April 2023 | Santander, Spain

In partnership with ENCATC

28-29 September 2022 | Brescia, Italy

Facilitated by Fondazione Brescia Musei

16 September 2022 |  Bristol, the United Kingdom

Facilitated by UK Museums Association

Would you like to host a training?