Becoming a member of NEMO offers many benefits, including opportunities to participate in, learn from and connect with the museum community across Europe.
- We enable museums to network and share best practice at a European level.
- We help museum professionals and museums to collaborate on multilateral projects.
- We are engaged in several projects at a European and international level.
- We are the gateway for museums to connect with players from other sectors, such as the education and creative sector.


- We facilitate exchange and training opportunities for our members through free training sessions.
- We offer opportunities to work together on specific themes in our working groups.
- We aim to internationalise, professionalise and strengthen the capacity of the museum sector in Europe by providing a platform for museums to work together.
- We advocate on behalf of museums to raise their profile with European policy makers.
- We liaise with relevant EU institutions, lobby agencies and stakeholders to ensure that museums are an integral part of European society.
- We issue political statements regarding issues relevant to the museum sector.
- We publish news about EU programmes, policies and initiatives for the museum sector in Europe.


- We keep our members informed about current and future European policies on culture and museums.
- We facilitate exchanges through conferences and training.
- We present funding opportunities for museums offered by various EU programmes.
- We keep you up to date with the latest news articles, publications and reports from the museum sector.