NEMO in the press
Find a selection of press coverage about NEMO's activities and actions below.
- Cultural Policy Tracker - Shaping a resilient and inclusive cultural future (ENCATC)
- Caring for Life (Museum of UnRest)
- Empowering Museums: three recommendations for AI integration (Culture Action Europe)
- NEMO soovitused tehisintellekti arendamiseks muuseumides (Eesti Muuseumiühing Uudised)
- European sector body presents recommendations for AI in museums (Museums Journal)
- High-Level conference on AI in museums: charting a new course for cultural heritage (European Heritage Tribune)
- NEMO publishes 7 tips for museums to advocate for their sustainable transition (ASEF culture360)
- Musea in de klimaatcrisis: terugblik op de jaarlijkse NEMO-conferentie (FARO)
- Mårten Janson: Frigörande radikal ton i Lahtis (Riksantikvarieämbetets)
- NEMO conference closed with pledge by NEMO and the European museum sector for future sustainability of the planet (ICOM UK)
- Our participation in the European Museum Conference NEMO 2023: Taking action for a sustainable future (Natural Science Museum - Cherni Osam)
- NEMO-ova konferencija – suradnjom protiv klimatskih promjena (Muzejski dokumentacijski centar)
- NEMO, un prezioso aiuto ai musei ucraini (
- Climate change e patrimonio artistico: mettere al sicuro i musei per tutelare l’arte da alluvioni e inefficienza (Corriere della Sera - Pianeta 2030)
- Kritiken mot fri entré har tystnat i Storbritannien (Göteborgs-Posten)
- I musei del futuro, oltre 50 relatori e 6000 iscrizioni per il ciclo “Open Doors” (Agenzia di stampa CULT)
- Museums in the climate crisis - Survey results and recommendations for the sustainable transition of Europe (EU Agenda)
- Desafios dos museus debatidos em Loulé por parceiros europeus (Algarve7)
- La “oportunidad perdida” de los museos públicos que vuelven a apostarlo todo al modelo del “taquillazo” (El Diario)
- Overleg in Berlijn, deel 1: NEMO (FARO)
- Cultura, al via ciclo talk “Open doors. Il museo partecipativo oggi” (Agenzia di stampa CULT)
- How Ukrainians are saving art during the war (Vox)
- Museums worldwide called on to support colleagues in Ukraine (UK Museums Association)
- How European museums are helping protect Ukrainian heritage (Heritage Tribune)
- Ukraine aid committee invites UK museums to get involved (UK Museums Association)
- Museumsbundchef Köhne hofft auf Museen als Brückenbauer (Rhein Neckar Zeitung)
- Schmidt und die Venus (Capital)
NEMO's work in connection to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Should all museums be free to the public? (Debating Europe)
- European network calls for 'sustainable plan' to reopen museum (Arts Professional)
- Musei, rete Nemo: in tutta Europa pronti a riaprire, serve piano sostenibile (Ag Cult)
- Covid-19: rede europeia diz que museus estão prontos para reabrir (ípsilon)
- The Evolving Social Responsibilities of European Museums (Jing Culture & Commerce)
- Survey lays bare drop in visitor numbers (Museums Association UK)
- Ue, conti in rosso per i musei: fino a 30mila euro di perdite a settimana anche durante la riapertura (Ag Cult)
- EPALE Podcast - Adult Learning And Museum Education (EPALE)
- NEMO - Red de Organizaciones de Museos Nacionales (Instituto de Gestión Cultural y Artística)
- Må selge fra samlingene (Klassekampen)
- La era de los museos activistas. Hay que ir más allá del almacén de arte (El País)
- « Partout, les musées réclament leur réouverture » (Alternatives Economique)
- What’s the Impact of Covid on Museums? That Depends on Its Size and Its Funding (CODART)
NEMO report on COVID-19's impact on museums in Europe.
- Los museos buscan rentabilizar su presencia en la Red (El País)
- Lessons learned from the pandemic (Spokes the science engagement magazine | Ecsite)
- Many Museums Won’t Survive the Virus. How Do You Close One Down? (NY Times)
- Coronavirus : l’économie des musées touchée de plein fouet (Le Monde)
- Deben insertarse opciones digitales en la nueva realidad de los museos, concluye estudio (La Jornada)
- Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Europe's Myriad Cultural Sites Thrive Online (Voice of America)
- Rijks en Stedelijk lopen wekelijks tonnen aan inkomsten mis (Het Parool)
- Increase digital efforts after lockdown, NEMO urges in new Covid-19 impact report (Museum Heritage)
- Musei senza reddito, perdono fino a 50mila euro a settimana (24 Arteconomy)
- Les musées à la recherche d'un New Deal (Le Quotidien de l'Art)
- ‘Museums are Not Islands,’ the State of Europe’s Culture Sphere (Jing Travel)
- Museums across Europe ‘make many changes’ due to pandemic, NEMO study finds (Museum Heritage)
- Ook na heropening zullen musea omvallen (Het Financieele Dagblad)
- A NEMO felmérésének eredményei – Múzeumok a koronavírus idején (Pulszky Society)
- L’impatto della crisi sui musei europei, Pagel (Nemo): perdite enormi, futuro incerto (Ag Cult)
NEMO's map of re-opening plans in Europe.
- NEMO maps the reopening plans of museums across Europe (Museum Heritage)
- Museums face strict re-opening rules (Arts Professional)
- Reopening means rethinking - examples to inspire and inform (Europeana)
- Ue, rete NEMO: Musei sicuri e attrezzati, lasciarli aperti (Ag Cult)
- NEMO report on digitisation and copyright | Challenges of making museum collections accessible online (culture360)
- The challenges that EU museums face to digitise their collections (Digital meets Culture)
- NEMO report on digitisation and copyright (Creatives Unite)
NEMO Political Internship in Museums with Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- NEMO Political Internship: Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (Ecsite)
- Chief of European Economic and Social Committee to take up museum internship programme (Attractions Management)
- European politicians join museums internship programme (ASEF culture360)
- La mia Torino un esempio in Europa (Repubblica Torino)
- La rinascita dell’Europa partirà dalla cultura (Cronaca di Torino)
- Ai Musei Reali di Torino Luca Jahier, presidente del Comitato Economico e Sociale Europeo (Mentelocale)
- Ue, il progetto “Political Internships at Museums” fa tappa ai Musei Reali di Torino (AgCult)
- Interarts at the NEMO Conference 2019 (Interarts)
NEMO Political Internship in Museums with Julie Ward, MEP and member of the CULT committee
- European politicians to intern at cultural institutions (Arts Professional)
- Day out at the museum (Attractions Management)
- Politiker machen Praktikum im Museum (Riff Reporter)
- Ue, il progetto “Political Internships at Museums” fa tappa ai Musei Reali di Torino (AgCult)
- European politicians join museums internship programme (Culture 360)
- Political Internship in Museums at a European level (ICOM SEE)
- Member of the European Parliament interned at museum (European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018)