Creative Museum Collaborations across Sectors were discussed at an International Seminar Co-organised by NEMO

From 9-13 June 2019, the NEMO Working Group Museums and Creative Industries met at the Museum Island Reserve Sviyazhsk in Russia. Apart from discussing their upcoming activates and visiting museums in the region, some of the working group members also spoke at an international seminar, organised by NEMO, ICOM Russia and Sviyazhsk Museum Reserve.

The seminar Museums and Creative Industries took place on 11 June 2019. Olesya Baltusova, assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, opened the seminar followed by Afansy Gnedovsky, Executive Director of ICOM Russia. Ineta Zelca Simansone, leader of the NEMO Working Group (WG) Museums and Creative Industries, presented the WG to the participants by introducing them to the recent publication Museums and Creative Industries - Case studies from across Europe and the general aims of the WG. WG member Raivis Simansons presented the Think Tank Creative Museum, based in Riga, Latvia. In the afternoon Ineta and Raivis facilitated the workshop “A business game - Museums and Creative Industries” together. The participants were asked to discuss and identify an ideal museum project connected to creative industries and the challenges that such a project would entail.

Representatives from museums from the Republic of Tatarstan, Moscow and Yekaterinburg had been invited to present their experiences from working with creative industries. WG member Artem Silkin, event host and director of the museum reserve Sviyazhsk, presented current challenges of museum collaboration across the creative sectors in Russia and announced the upcoming translation of the WG’s latest report into Russian.

>> Access the full programme of the NEMO WG Museums and Creative Industries’ Study Visit and seminar.