<link https: ec.europa.eu commission sites beta-political files communication-strengthening-european-identity-education-culture_en.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture is the communication adopted by the European Commission and directed at the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
In the communication, the Commission expresses its believe that it is in the shared interest of all Member States to harness the full potential of education and culture as drivers for job creation, economic growth and social fairness as well as a means to experience European identity in all its diversity.
Thus, prior to the Leaders' meeting on Friday, the European Commission shares its vision for how a European Education Area can be created by 2025.
Among others the European Education Era should include:
<link https: ec.europa.eu commission sites beta-political files leaders-working-lunch-lifelong-learning_en.pdf>Promoting lifelong learning: by seeking convergence and increasing the share of people engaging in learning throughout their lives with the aim of reaching 25% by 2025;
<link https: ec.europa.eu commission sites beta-political files leaders-working-lunch-culture_en.pdf>Preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of a European identity and culture: by developing – using the momentum of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage – a European Agenda for Culture and preparing a Council Recommendation on common values, inclusive education and the European dimension of teaching.
Upon the publication Tibor Navracsicsm Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: "As we look to Europe's future, we need to equip ourselves with an ambitious, shared agenda for how we can use culture and learning as a driver for unity."
The complete Communication is available <link https: ec.europa.eu commission sites beta-political files communication-strengthening-european-identity-education-culture_en.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>here.