Museums out of the Box - Presentation from a Seminar on the Relationship between Cultural Heritage and Historical Centers

At a seminar on 6 November 2018 in Bologna, Italy, Margherita Sani, NEMO Board Member, gave a presentation about museums, heritage and communities. The seminar was organised by the Istituto Beni Culturali of the Region Emilia-Romagna within the framework of the European project #CHEurope. In her presentation, Margherita gave several references to NEMO in relation to the topic.

The seminar took place a few days before NEMO’s 27th Annual Conference from 15-18 November in Valletta, Malta. Just as Margherita’s presentation, the conference theme was “Museums out of the Box”, showcasing how museums’ crossover impact on other sectors.

Watch the video recording of the presentation on Youtube.