NEMO invites policymakers for discussions on museums and AI

On 20 March, NEMO is co-organising a top-level conference in Brussels on the role, challenges and the potential of museums in an increasingly AI driven society. The event will generate recommendations that will guide and support museums in the rapid development of AI.

Can cultural heritage, and museums in particular, act as a good example and as a trustful sector, creating an alternative AI-driven approach for a transparent, non-profit and open technology driven environment, based on shared and human-centred ethics.

The international conference “Innovation and Integrity: Museums paving the way in an AI-driven society” will allow invited policymakers and sector representatives to exchange on and explore how museums can tap their potential to help their communities deal with challenges such as fake news, threatened democracies and a society in crises mode etc. Additionally, the conference will discuss AI in terms of new ways of work, new competences and changing business models for the sector.

  • Learn more about the context and programme.

With the Belgian Presidency of the council of the EU as backdrop, the conference will shed a light on how policy makers at different levels view the role of museums in the AI developments. Together we will develop recommendations to optimise regulatory frameworks and support for museums and to pool and centralise expertise and best practices across Europe.

The conference is by invitation only and is organised in cooperation by NEMO, FARO, ICOM Wallonie-Brussels, ICOM Flanders and the House of European History.