The programme included input on visitor experience, digital offerings and programmes, communication channels as well as visitor research and impact. Participants also shared updates about ongoing initiatives and priorities for the museum sector in their respective region. Representatives from Germany, Finland, Hungary, Latvia and Italy contributed to a comprehensive European update.
NEMO Working Group Digital Transformation explored digitalisation and audience at study visit in Milan
Together with colleagues from ICOM Italy, the participants visited the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, the MEET Digital Cultural Centre and the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera. In sessions with experts and members of the ICOM Italy Working Groups on Museums and Digital Technologies as well as the Digital Cultural Heritage Research, the NEMO Working Group members discussed different use of digital offers and possibilities to engage the audience via digital means and how this impact can be measured. The discussion will later be continued in a workshop about measuring the digital audience in autumn.
In a short interview about the current topic of the NEMO Working Group Digital Transformation, the leader Sylvia Willkomm recently said that “This year, the WG Digital Transformation is focusing on the topic Digitalisation & Audience. This includes themes such as visitor experience, digital offerings and programs, communication channels as well as visitor research and impact. This year we are devoting special attention to the question of who is the digital museum visitor? Is it even possible to define them? In this context, we devote our attention to the topic of issue of measurement. How can digital offerings and their use be measured? What instruments are there and what criteria are used as a basis.”
NEMO’s Working Groups provide an opportunity for members of NEMO to get connected, learn and share experiences through organised study visits and events. The groups also inform the wider museum sector by publishing studies, recommendations and reports. At the moment NEMO has three active Working Groups: