Four people had nominated themselves to fill three open seats. David Vuillaume (German Museums Association) was re-elected for another term of three years and he will remain as the Chair of the board. Liv Ramskjaer (Norwegian Museums Association) and Dagmar Ingi (Estonian Museums Association) were elected to join the board. They are replacing Aida Vežić (Balkan Museum Network), who finished her term, and Kimmo Levä who had to leave the Board when he left his position at the Finnish Museums Association. Board members have to work at a NEMO member organisation.
The new NEMO Executive Board consist of Chair David Vuillaume, Aleksandra Berberih-Slana (Slovenian Museums Association), Sergio Servellón (ICOM Belgium Flanders), Eva Koppen (Association of European Jewish Museums), Lodewijk Kuiper (Netherlands Museums Association), Liv Ramskjaer and Dagmar Ingi.
During the AGM the dates and location for the next NEMO European Museum Conference were announced. From 13-15 November 2022, the network and other museum professionals will meet in Loulé, Portugal. The topic and more details will be announced during the spring of 2022.