© Zeeuws Museum, Image: Anda van Riet One girl is using a tablet to film another girl who is talking with an older man, presumably about the painting behind them.
Register to NEMO webinar on audience measurement in the digital age

On 13 February from 11:00-12:00 CET, a NEMO Webinar will introduce key concepts of our latest publication ‘Connected journeys: Holistic audience measurement in the age of digital’. Participants will gain insights into holistic…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
NEMO discussed museums digital developments and reactiveness during the pandemic

On 30 October 2020, NEMO's Secretary General Julia Pagel joined a symposium organised by the German Museums Association. The…

Open letter: Make culture central in the EU Recovery

On 30 October 2020, together with 110 cultural organisations NEMO signed an open letter published by Culture Action Europe. The…

Now online: NEMO webinar on how museums can…

On 28 October, Maria Vlachou, Cultural Management and Communications consultant, facilitated an inspiring NEMO Webinar on how museums can help people make sense of our complex and nuanced world, which does not come with any simple…

 A museum guide is walks through an exhibition room filled with paintings and a stone sculpture. Another person is partly seen on the left side.
NEMO publishes Covid-19 follow-up survey

Six months after its first study on the impact of Covid-19 on the European museum sector, NEMO has published a follow-up survey. It is time to map where museums in Europe stand and how they deal with the issues that emerged during…

 A girl is using a pair of VR goggles in a gallery space. The child is smiling and the goggles mirror the smile with happy eyes animation.
Horizon 2020 funding opportunity: European…

The European Commission has released a 1 million Euro Horizon 2020 call to support the digital innovation and development of museums. Proposals are accepted until 12 January 2021.   

 Man wearing face mask is walking through an exhibition space while flipping through pamphlet.
Various museums forced to close to the public…

Upon learning that some museums in Europe are forced to close again, NEMO has released a statement urging decision makers to refrain from drastically closing museums in a time when they are needed more than ever. In the last…

 Young person writing on a laptop
Erasmus+ calls to support digital education…

In response to the Coronavirus, two extraordinary Erasmus+ calls , which are of interest to the museum sector, have been released. Proposals are welcomed until 29 October 2020.

Statement on the role of museums in addressing the climate crisis

NEMO supports the Bremerhaven Declaration, which is one of the outcomes is the outcome of the international symposium “How To...?…

Culture x Climate 2020 inspires to a…

From 12 October to 27 November 2020, the virtual forum “Culture x Climate 2020” will unite leaders, practitioners, activists, researchers, and experts. They will exchange on and learn how arts, culture and heritage can help drive…