Cultural Priorities Presented by the Bulgarian Council Presidency

At the January Culture Committee the Bulgarian presidency's cultural priorities were outlined by Amelia Gesheva, the Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Culture.

Gesheva made several references to the cross-sectoral nature of culture and its ability to play a crucial role in multiple political areas. It was also stated that culture is an excellent enabler of the broad goals of the EU. The minister continued by presenting the key focus areas of the Bulgarian Presidency, one being to assure the recognition of culture and stressing its connection to a strong society and community in the planning of the post-2020 Multi Financial Framework. Other focus areas are the mid-term evaluation of Creative Europe, push for culture’s role in EU external relations as well as the 2019 and onwards Work Plan for Culture. Lastly the minister presented the aim of adopting the Council Conclusions on cultural heritage in May 2018 in the course of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.