NEMO Affirms the Benefits of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in a Recent Essay

Andrew Ormston considers the origin and impact of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in a recently published essay. NEMO is mentioned twice as supporting voices of the initiative.

The essay, published on 5 March 2018 on Cable, explores the European Year of Cultural Heritage and discusses why the year is more successful than previous "year of"-initiatives. NEMO's Secretary General Julia Pagel and board member Margherita Sani are cited two times in the essay.

Among other writes Andrew that "... the Year is much more than its events, and the aim is to make a transformative and long lasting impact through establishing a clear direction of travel for cultural heritage policy and practice."

<link https: who-are-you-identity-and-the-european-year-of-cultural-heritage-2018 external link in new>Read the full article here.