It intends to make a contribution towards improving how to address sustainable management of cultural heritage across Europe and understanding the challenges related to multi-stakeholder processes and evidence-based decision making. The proposal is based on the experience of the CulturalBase platform and stems from the acknowledgement of an existing weak and imperfect articulation, in particular as concerns collaboration and knowledge transfer, between researchers and stakeholders. Indeed the new tools and new models aiming to foster communication between these two poles usefully support this articulation, the setting-up of an umbrella organization for cultural heritage stakeholders which would enable cross-sectoral and cross-project collaboration, could be a crucial factor for improvement in this specific area.
"Improving communication and information systems for cultural heritage and European identites: CulturalBase European Stakeholders' platform for arts and Culture: <link http: documents proposalforculturalbaseeuropeanstakeholdersplatform.pdf _blank>download pdf
<link http: documents proposalforculturalbaseeuropeanstakeholdersplatform.pdf _blank>