Culture Action Europe's culture voting pack

To help voters make a well-informed decision regarding culture in the European elections, Culture Action Europe has put together a voting pack with a cultural perspective in focus and a step-by-step guide to the elections.

The 27 EU countries will hold elections from 6-9 June 2024 to select 720 members of the European Parliament for the next five years. When a voter chooses a national party, that party will join a European party based on ideology and the parties form political groups in the EU Parliament.

  • Access the voting pack for a step-by-step guide on making a decision, including excerpts from the European political parties’ manifestos focusing concerning cultural issues.

Culture Action Europe closes their voting pack with a forecast about the elections. The current leading groups in the European Parliament are the European People’s Party group (centre-right) and the Socialists and Democrats. Their dominating positions are expected to remain unchanged. However, polls indicate significant gains for the far-right Identity and Democracy group, which may potentially overtake the liberal Renew Europe group for third place. Approximately 45% of current MEPs are likely to be re-elected, with the remaining 55% expected to be newcomers.

We have previously shared an overview by IETM on the parties’ positions on culture based on their election manifestos and an article with general information about the elections.