The research was conducted by Rosanna Lewis and Polly Martin, as well as Michaela Franke and Lyna Pärt on behalf of the Committee for Education and Culture of the European Parliament (CULT Committee).
<link http: regdata etudes idan external-link-new-window external link in new>EU funding for cultural work with refugees: towards the next programme generation provides an overview of current EU funding programmes in the field (of the DG Education and Culture and DG Migration and Home Affairs), along with case studies and an analysis of projects carried out through these schemes.
The research concludes with recommendations as well as specific actions to the CULT Committee and MEPs for the development of the next EU programme generation.
In the recommendations the access to funding (structural barriers, larger amounts, better communication to target groups), a better programme methodology (also regarding impact and evaluation) and a sub-granting scheme (more tailored programmes) are named as key points for an improved inclusion of refugees in Europe.
The results of this research were presented to the CULT Committee on 9 November 2017 and <link http: ep-live en committees external-link-new-window external link in new>sparked a lively discussion.