The two calls open on 14 November 2018, the first stage deadline will be 19 February 2019.
Call SC5-14-2019 concerns the topic <link http: research participants portal desktop en opportunities h2020 topics sc5-14-2019.html external-link-new-window external link to call sc5-14-2019 in new>Visionary and integrated solutions to improve well-being and health in cities. In light of urbanisation, a growing need for spaces that increase well-being and health has become evident. These diverse, accessible, safe, inclusive and high quality green areas can be developed by crossing social, cultural, digital and nature-based innovation in the design, development and governance of public space. The call is looking for actions that deliver visionary and integrated solutions addressing social, cultural, economic and environmental determinants of health and well-being, actions that show the effect of such actions on reducing health-related environmental burdens and actions influencing the management and governing of public spaces. The Commission regards the input from the social sciences and the humanities as essential assets to the projects applying for this call.
With the call SC5-20-2019 <link http: research participants portal desktop en opportunities h2020 topics sc5-20-2019.html external-link-new-window external link in new>Transforming historic urban areas and/or cultural landscapes into hubs of entrepreneurship and social and cultural integration the European Commission aims to foster actions that develop, demonstrate and document strategies, approaches and solutions to re-activate and re-generate historic urban areas and/or cultural landscapes. Against the backdrop of urban, industrial and rural areas that have been abandoned or been left to decay leading to unemployment, disengagement and economic stagnation, the actions should contrast this development and introduce regenaration processes that are involved with the community, the cultural and social values and the identity of the place. Previous top-down lead regeneration processes were often not successful as they failed to engage the local population. This has led to breaking up of traditional social structures, gentrification and over-reliance on volatile sectors, such as tourism. The actions proposed in this call should take on a different approach and particularly pay attention to the local surroundings.
Further specifications of the call and more information about eligiblity to apply for SC5-20-2019 is available <link http: research participants portal desktop en opportunities h2020 topics sc5-20-2019.html external-link-new-window external link in new>here.
If you are interested in working on a project that is part of one of these calls or are interested in creating your own, you can start looking for partners through the Partner Search provided within the Participant Portal, which is open to everybody. More about this can also be found on the respective webpages for the calls.
There are <link http: news article nc browse nemo funding-opportunities-for-the-cultural-sector-horizon-2020 external-link-new-window external link in new>more Horizon 2020 calls with funding opportunities for the cultural sector published in October 2017 or before, which NEMO briefly reported on.