The conference day will discuss which digital competences that are needed by cultural heritage professionals and how the digital transition will shape the way people work in the near future. The sessions take place in connection to the CHARTER Alliance’s General Meeting, which gathers the project members from 28-30 November in Rome, Italy.
- Register now to secure your spot.
- View the draft agenda on the CHARTER Website
- The livestream link will soon be published
The conference day is hosted by the CHARTER Alliance project partner Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. For project members, the General Meetings is a key event to discuss, exchange and assess how the CHARTER Alliance is doing two years into the project duration and how we will move forward the next two years.
NEMO is one of the partners of the Erasmus+ funded project CHARER - the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance, which brings together and represents the whole range of the cultural heritage sector in Europe. CHARTER strives towards making apparent the value of cultural heritage and creating a resilient and responsive sector. They work towards creating a lasting, comprehensive strategy that will guarantee Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies.
- Learn more about CHARTER Alliance
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