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Cultural spaces and offers – as we have witnessed during the pandemic - are extremely important for social cohesion and personal well-being during times of crisis. The closure and/or reduction of services of museums has a minimal impact in terms of energy savings but does have a significant impact on the cultural and social fabric of Europe in this challenging time.
The cultural sector has proven to be resilient and adaptive during COVID-19 and will of course do its best in contributing to overcome this crisis by investigating every possible way to save energy. Nevertheless, the sector needs support and NEMO therefore asks policy makers at all levels to do their utmost to keep museums open by:
- Considering the rising energy prices and increase the operational budget for museums accordingly
- Providing additional funds for 2022 for further payments and budget adjustments for museums and cultural institutions
- Increasing the budgets for operational fixed costs according to need for the years 2023 and following
- Providing additional funds for investments in the infrastructure of museums, so that buildings can be maintained in a more energy-efficient, ecological, and sustainable manner as soon as possible
NEMO is in the process of collecting information about the impact of the rising energy costs across Europe on museums. With the help of our members, we will soon publish an overview of available information, recommendations and support measures.