Diane Drubay, founder of WeAreMuseums, and Julie Rouzaud, Interaction Strategist at Centvingsix/ WeAreMuseums, lead the well-received training. The participants got to experience a hands-on and practical workshop where they contributed with their own experiences in regard to well-being at the museum, as well as to pin point current challenges and turn them into triggers of well-being.
Diane Drubay started off the day by introducing the participants to the museum’s new roles and qualities, illustrated with international best practices and discussions about the top-priority impacts for museums. Museums’ soft power is strong and their impact on one’s life should be incontestable today.
The training was immensely appreciated by the participants; "An inspiring workshop full of brainstorming which activated our creativity with the intention of enhancing museum visitors' wellbeing".
Some initial examples of easy and straight-forward ways to create feelings of well-being and happiness at the museum are space for contemplation and relaxation, meet the visitors’ basic needs, create calm atmosphere, let the audience interact with the exhibition. In the workshop, the group continued working on ways to create a first happiness-focused step in their museum.